27 : "what's dipshit?"

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"kenjirou, hurry
up! it's getting late!"

"it's still 10am,
you big idiot."

even though eita couldn't see kenjirou's face, he knew the latter rolled his eyes just now.

"if you want us to
go home early,-"

"-we have to go
there early, i know.
i get it, you say it
all the time."

"which pair should i
wear? the black-"

eita groaned loudly, making atsuko laugh.

"jesus christ, just wear
anything! we're not going
to a fashion show!"

this time, kenjirou who was sitting, looked up at eita and glared at him. also raising the pair of shoes he was holding.

"i swear to god, if you
don't stop shouting i
will smack your face
with these."

"you two are so
noisyyy. can't we
just go already?"

eita faced kenjirou and stuck his tongue out childishly. this made kenjirou roll his eyes before standing up.

"your brother shouts
too much, atsuko, you
should scold him more."

"s'because you
don't lis-"

kenjirou grabbed atsuko's hands and went outside, completely cutting off eita.

"alright, let's go."

eita only huffed and followed the other two after making sure the door was locked.


"wow, finally some place
that looks like home."

kenjirou mumbled as he took in his surroundings.

both eita and kenjirou didn't have work today, so they decided to go grocery shopping since eita said they were running out of foods and other essentials.

"what? is it your first
time going inside one?"

eita eyed kenjirou strangely, the latter only gave him a playful glare.

"so what?"

"we usually only give
lists to our helpers."

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