17 : "i'm here"

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"sure, but why a
flower shop?"

kenjirou shrugged and started walking first. eita immediately walked faster to catch up to the younger.

"my mom texted me
saying she started
gardening, and even
asked me what my
favorite flower was."

kenjirou couldn't see but there was a small smile on eita's face.

eita admired how close kenjirou was with his mother. it was like the younger only shows his soft side to her.

on the other hand, eita's mother rarely goes home because of work and they weren't that close. he understood that work is important, but sometimes he wished they spent more time together.

"what'd you say?"

"i told her i didn't
have a favorite,
but i find dark pink
carnations pretty."

"flowers have
different meanings,

kenjirou hummed, rubbing his hands together.

"i guess..."

"what's your favorite
flower, eita?"

they were already near the flower shop and they can see a boy standing outside it, looking at the flowers.

this question made eita think. there were so many flowers, each with different colors and forms. eita thought they all looked pretty.

"i don't know...
maybe forget-me-nots?"

"you know what
they symbolize?"

eita faced kenjirou and saw that he was already looking at him.


kenjirou wanted to laugh because of eita's expression. he looked genuinely curious and kenjirou almost felt bad.

"i don't know, either."

eita slightly pushed kenjirou's shoulder away, making the latter laugh lightly.

"you've been laughing
a lot today. i'm getting

scared? yeah, right.

"because you were
extra stupid today."

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