04 : "take care!"

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"excuse me- our?"

"yes, our."

"now carry your
things and go

'his father clearly said to make me feel at home and help me, but he's doing the exact opposite,' kenjirou thought as he let out a huff.

kenjirou planned to transfer his things one by one because he couldn't carry all of it at the same time. first, he took the big luggage and went upstairs.

what he didn't know was that eita was just behind him, carrying his remaining stuff.

"hey! which
room?! the right
one or- shit!"

kenjirou jumped when he saw the ash-blonde standing behind him carrying his things. the latter stared at him blankly.

"the right one.
hurry up and open
the door, these things
are heavy, you know?"

"you could've at least
told me that you'd
carry my things,
you know?"

"i'm being kind
here. shouldn't
you at least thank

"thank you."

"wow, you sure
sound sincere."

kenjirou rolled his eyes and decided not to answer. he opened the door and immediately widened his eyes when he saw how small it was compared to his previous room.

"we'll be sharing
this small room?"

kenjirou went inside and started looking around. eita followed him and rolled his eyes.

"stop being a brat
and at least be
thankful you've
got a place to stay."

after that, eita immediately went out of the room and slammed the door, making kenjirou flinch.

"i literally just
asked one question
and he's out here
slamming doors."

"elsa wannabe

kenjirou scoffed before plopping down on the empty bed. there were two beds, and the one on the right— he's guessing that's eita's cause there was a plushie there.

"pfft, he sleeps
with a plushie."

there was a small nightstand between the two beds and a desk on eita's side of the room. however, the wardrobe was on kenjirou's side.

he opened it and saw half of it being filled with clothes— eita's clothes. this means he gets the other side of it.

he realized he brought too many clothes with him and it didn't fit inside anymore, so he decided to leave the rest of it inside his luggage.

kenjirou took out the picture frame he brought and placed it on his side of the nightstand.

their room also had a bathroom, but kenjirou decided that he'll just use the guest's restroom instead of this one.

after unpacking almost everything, he slowly made his way downstairs. he peeked from the stairs and saw eita sitting on the couch, watching tv with his little sister beside him.

'i can't just sit with them, it'd be really awkward!' kenjirou mentally scolded himself. but he also didn't want to stay in the room until nighttime.

he decided to go downstairs completely.

"i'll be going
out for a while."

eita turned to look at him.


'this little-'

"give me your phone."

"no way. you should
buy your own phone."

"i have my own phone."

eita deadpanned. this made kenjirou embarrassed, but of course, he didn't show it.

"then why do
you need mine?"

eita clicked his tongue. he's starting to get annoyed at the younger's persistence.

"just give it to me."

kenjirou didn't know why, but he followed what eita said and handed him his phone— right after rolling his eyes.

eita started typing something on kenjirou's phone which made the younger raise his eyebrow.

"what are you

"contact me if
you get lost or
you want to be
picked up or

"i'm not a kid."

"dad told me to look
after you. i'm just
doing what he said."


kenjirou took his phone right after eita finished typing. he turned away from him and headed to the door.

he was about to open it when he heard a small voice call out to him.

t-take care...!"

a little girl peeked from the couch. she was hiding the lower half of her face because she was still shy around the stranger.

kenjirou gave her a small smile.

"thank you."

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