Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

surprise surprise

Mason P.O.V.

i woke up yawning. i strenched out my arms and shook my head. my hair got in my face and i glared at it.

"One of these days hair. One of these days." i said while standing up. for some reason i felt really good and i wasn't glaring at the sun. i walked to the window and put my hand on it.

then i relized something was wrong. the sun isn't in the right place it's suppose to be in the moring. i looked down and saw i was in jeans.

i turned and walked slowy to my mirrior confused. that's when i noticed a really soft humming, one that i'v never heard before.

 walked to the mirror and looked at my face. sexy of course. then my eyes went down my body. jeans, and black tight shirt.

that's when i saw the blue thing in my chest.

it was weird. i moved the shirt so it would move from in the center of my chest. it looked like my dads and it was creeping me out. but it wouldn't move.

i frowned and lifted up the shirt and it still wasn't moviing. i turned and toke the shirt off and reached for a tank top, putting it on.i turned towards the mirrior and it was in my skin.

my eyes widened. i pput my hand on it and it scared me. it felt could and i could just just feel it buzzing. i felt around it and relzied that it was in my chest.

i really wished that when i saw a reactor i can say i handled it with ease and i slowly went down stairs and acted like it was no big deal.


i screamed louder then a blonde chick in a horror film getting gutted to death.

Footsteps pounded across the hall and they bursted out into my room. Dad came in and he just stood there. luckly i was done screaming. un-luckly i was just stareing at my chest.

Pepper came in and they both just started at me. i have no clue what they were waiting for (world peace?) but i think they decided that it wasn't going to happen.

i just watched my chest. i was trying to get it through my mind that i had a re-... a blue thing in my chest.

i poked it in the center. sure enough it wasn't my imagenation. it was the real deal.

"Mason?" Dad asked. he took a step toward me. he was looking at me warily like i would explode or something.

i toke a deep breath and looked at him through the mirrior. "I'm not going to explode or anything. i'm just having a hard time adjusting to the fact i have a re- ah blue thing in my chest."

he stayed where he was. "Well you are a teenager and you are on hormones. there's a 89% percent chance you could explode by just your hormonoal feelings going on hyper drive."

i rolled my eyes and looked backed at my chest.

i had a blue thing in me.

i have a ARC reactor.

"Holy shit." i said.

Pepper walked towards me and put an arm around me. "Do you need anything? money? scotch? Apple juice?"

i laughed and looked down. i closed my eyes and leaned on the desk, putting my head n my hand. "No i need a moment to get it through my head."

she put her arm around my shoulder. "Well, take as much time as you need."

i looked at her but she was looking outside and her shoulder's were shaking. Oh god. And i was told i need time and have hormonal feeling that will make me explode.

i put my arm around her shoulder. "Are you fine?" i looked at the front of her shirt and saw sark red.  put my hand on it and felt it. it seemed all crunchy and dry and gross.

i brought my hand back. "I don't know what spilled on your shirt but you should change's all gross."

she looked down and jumped. her hands went to the stains and she felt it.

suddenly a flash came back. i didn't really remember anything but getting to the confrence but with something stabbing my chest. i looked back at he mirror and to my chest. i put my hand to it. "Ow." i said because i couldn't yell it earlier.

i looked at dad. he was watching both of us. his ARC reactor was glowing blue too.i tilted my head. "I get a suit right?" i asked.

he blanched at that. "What?"

"I get a iron man suit right? i mean you get a suit i deserve the suit."

he shook his head. "First, let's get you used to the reactor. and we're going to make sure your sure the reactor is in your chest."

i sighed and started walking towards the door. i went in the hall and i didn't hear them coming so i turned around. "Are you guys coming? i'm not coming up here when i get apple juice."

They just kept staring at me. i rolled my eyes and walked towards the elevator and went in, pressing the floor for me to go to te living room.

when i stepped out of the elevator i immedaitly went straight for the fridge. i grabbed a glass and got apple juice at the same time.

when i was pouring the juice the elevator dinged and out came the dynamic duo Stark and Pepper.

i smiled. "Fancy seeing you here."

i pu tthe juice away and walked towards the couch and sat down. they just looked at me. Dad came over and sat on the couch oppiste of me. "are you ok?"

as i was chugging i waved my hand in a 'hang on' gesture. i gulped the entire glass down and set it down. "Oh don't worry. i'm freacking out."

he nodded and kept stareing at me. i gave him a look. "I'm fine. it's nothing i can't handle."

For once in your life belive this lie. i really don't want you to become all protecho iron man on me. i just want to keep it normal untill we're building my suit. i thought.

he kept staring at me. Pepper, praise the lord, decided to inclin.

"That's bullshit Mason."

me and Dad both stared at her wide eyed. never, in my life in ever, have heard Pepper Potts swear.

she looked umcomforable all of a sudden. "It's true. You don't just have a reactor put in your chest, something that if it get's takin out you could die, and handle t your self."

"Dad did." i countered.

she looked at dad but he was talking. "I talked to someone. i had a friend in the cave with me and he explained everything to me."

"And i already know everything about it." i said.

he shook his head. "You don't know everything."

"i know that it couild fail. that if i use a suit to much it could kill me. i know that if it ever get's takiin out of my i could die and it would be painfull."

they both looked at me wide yed. i shurgged. "When your home alone bored -which is alot- you tend to hack into reports." they kept staring at me. "it's wasy. i'm surprised that no one else has done it yet."




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