Chapter 8

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Hey hey hey J


I'm so in the mood for Fan-Fiction

So uh







Chapter 8



I sat back and admired my work. I had everything I needed! Well...the plan part. I just needed material. How to get the materials may be a little harder then planned but I will some how mange to make it work.

"Off." I said and I got up and strected. I looked around my room. It matched the rest of the house, white walls and black and glass furniture. The floor was wooden and the windows reached from floor to ceiling. Just imagen an open and modern room with a white bed and you got my room.

I went to the door and opened it up, walking down the halls. I went to Dad's office and went in not bothering to knock.

Dad was in there asleep on his desk. He looked like a little kid, what with his hair all messy and him drolling over all his Iron Man's suit structure.

Suddenly my eyes widened and I walked out of the room backwards quickly. "Jarvis," I staged whispered. "Where is the material for the Iron Man suit?"

"If you keep going down the hall and open the last door to the right you can get in if you get the password right."

I smiled and shuffled down. I went to the last door on the right and opened it up.

Rephrase that: I attempted to open it up. But it wouldn't budge. Suddenly a keybored shot out of no where.

Oh right. Password.

I thought for a moment. As I placed my hands on the keyboard every security code came to mind. But this room isn't hiding any files or any creepy kinky crap (I will never get that out of my mind). This is full of deadly weapons. And proabley more scotch.

I looked around and then I got a thought. I ran to the other end of the hallway and nto my room to grab my face powder. I ran back to the last room on the right and opened the case up.

I blew on the dust and it all ended it up on the keyboard. Finger prints of Dad's well finger prints showed up in different letters and numbers.

I was pretty damn proud of myself. If I never watched "Natinol Treasures," the idea would have never popped into my head.

I thought for about the moment. Then I pressed them all in a weird pattern. Nothing.

I frowned and tried a different one. Again nothing.

For all those out there who don't know me, I'm a amazing hacker. Sure, I can build stuff and break it down, but hacking is the hobby I taught my self. I've been doing for a while, since I was around 8 and started school. It wasn't to change my grades or anything, but it was to see what the big deal was about naptime.

So thats why -after a few more tries- I got the code.

The door unlocked and they keyboard disappeared. I opened up the door and stepped in a few steps. The door swing shut as I closed it.

It was all dark. "Jarvis."

"On it."

The lights turned on and everything I needed was in there. From rockets to armor, from thermostats to lasers to what I needed to fly.

And that was the moment I realized I'm actually going to do,going to build a suit behind dad's back.

In my room.




The Iron Stark...junior *The 1st of 3 books*Where stories live. Discover now