Chapter 6

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^._.^ ß kittah

So…how was the last chapter?

Ok so now the real drama begins along with building and well….STARKAWESOMENESS

Its at times like these I so despratly wish I was a Stark and was in Marvel and iron man…poo.



Chapter 6:

Mason P.O.V.

Dad was more exceited about the fact I hacked him.

He smiled at Pepper. “My kid knows how to hack into things.”

She put her head in her hand. “If she can do, who knows how many others tried. Or did.”

He didn’t really care. He just looked like a kid who was told Christmas will be celebrated everyday. “Don’t know, don’t care. Of course, it might be a good thing to look into but not right now because my kid can get through security! I wonder what else she can do..."

They started to argue back and forth. I really didn’t give a damn so I went to the mirror and looked at my blue thing…my reactor in the middle of my chest.

It was all weird looking. Besides the fact its a reactor in my chest. It just didn’t seem real but when I put my fingers over it I can definatly feel that it’s there.

I sighed and looked at the rest of me. Yep all normal.

I studied a spot on my arm, a little bruised and bumpy. Fucking shot.


They both stopped and looked at me. “Are you done arguing, because there’s something I want todo before the day is gone and I am so not staying up all night on Sunday. Mondays I will but not on a Sunday.”

Dad raised his eye. “And what exactly, you want todo?”

I gave him a look, that look all teenagers have mastered by age 14.” What do you think?"

“No. You are not going to be building a suit or fighting evil and what not. You’re only 16.”

I frowned and glared. “You in our thirty’s and you do it. You have more of a chance of breaking your hip then me getting hurt.”

He shook his head. “No. No suit for you. Self-defense lesson’s I agree on but not the suit. Maybe when your 18. Or 26.”

I glared at him more. “Bu-”

“No buts. We can talk about this later but right now, we need to start packing.” he turned around and started to walk towards the elevator. “We’re going to Malibu later. I’ll home school you, as if you’ll need it.”

I kept glaring at him and then turned to Pepper. Aw, poor pepper. Her face was whiter then paper.

I sighed and walked over and hugged her. “Life is intresting, isn’t it?” I asked.


I looked behind me. “Are you coming?” I walked out the door to see Dad pressing his thumb into a small little gadget thing. He looked up and hurredly stuffed it into his back pocket. “What?”

I stared at him. “What was that?” I asked.

He brushed pass me. “Nothing. Come on.”

His foot-steps echoed the hall. I sighed. “First, I can’t have a suit and then you won’t tell me what’s going on.” I grabbed my back and hitched it over my shoulder and started to walk down the hall.

Damn it.


"Mason, I swear to god, if you don't change the channel-"

"it's a new one. Come on, you love this show."

"I never liked it." he gave Sam a weird look, like he can't get over the fact that  Supernatural got a 6 foot 4 moose for a star.

I swallowed some cereal. "You used to love looking at Dean."

"That was before he was screwing a angel."

"Castiel and him are adorable and you know it."

"Yeah, yeah." he said, defeated.

I swirled around my frosted flakes and looked at him dead in the eye. “I want a suit.” I told him with boldness.

He took a bite out of his. “And I want a life-time supplies of scotch but that isn’t going to happen either.”

“You do have that dad…” I trailed off the end of the sentence.

He thought about it. “Never the less, you are not going to have a suit. it’s bad enough you have a ARC reactor.”

I looked down at the thing in my chest. Sure it’s only been in me for a few hours and I should be thinking about that, but right now my brain is thinking so fast I’m surprised it hasn’t exploded.

“What about self-defense lessons? Can I atleast have those?”

He nodded. “I already said you should. And I think you also should lay low for awhile, until I can figure out who shot you with shrapnel.”

"Doesn't the clinic have any records of the doc? It could have been Dr.Octopus for all we know."

He glowered at me. "Stop that, you are not Spider-Man." I heard a soft " little suck up." at the end.

"But you do have to admit, he's cute."

"I don't even know what his face looks like."

I glanced up at the screen."Whatever.So for the next however long, I’m basically grounded to the house?”


Oh joy.


I turned on my computer and a holographic screen shot up from no where. “Good evening, Mason.”

“Evening Jarvis. Hey, if I open up my own private service will dad be able to get onto it?” I asked the Artificial Intelligence.

“If you have a well, password, no one should be able to get on it.”

I thought about it and then I pulled my sweat shirt off and sat there looking at the reactor glowing against my skin. “Open up a new one then.”

Of other teenagers can have secrets and keep them, so can I.

The Iron Stark...junior *The 1st of 3 books*Where stories live. Discover now