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“Sir, you have a meeting with the board members at three” Napapikit ako ng mariin at naisandal ang ulo sa sandalan ng swivel chair. I just finished attending three long meetings and I'm so drained.

“Clear my schedule. I have to go”

“Okay sir” As soon as my secretary leave I stand up to leave the office and head to the parking lot.

My jaw clenched as I saw our Polaroid picture on my dash and vanity mirror

Fuck! The silence inside my car makes me hear her voice.

I’m getting crazy!

I opened the stereo and focus on driving.

I think that I’ve been missing all the things I didn’t see
Ever since I let you go
Maybe it’s because we always had a good routine
That made us to comfortable

I can’t help but to furrowed my brows as I listen to the lyrics

I miss all the little things
Like how you made me laugh and how you made me feel that
I could go do anything
I believe you, but I need you

I’ve been feeling so alone
God, I miss you more than you could know
Our house doesn’t feel like a home
Ever since I had to let you go

Fucking fuck?....

I’ve been struggling to fight back tears
These 24 months felt like 10 years
Our house doesn't feel like a home
Ever since I had to let you go

Its 24 months now....
Today supposed to be our third anniversary and it’s been two years since....

They say you don't know what you have until it’s gone away
God, they couldn't be more right
There are a lot of things I wish I had the chance to say
I wish I had a little more time

I miss all the little things
Like how you made me laugh and how you made me feel that
I could go do anything
I believe you, but I need you

I’ve been feeling so alone
God, I miss you more than you could know
Our house doesn't feel like a home
Ever since I had to let you go

I’ve been struggling to fight back tears
These 24 months felt like 10 years
Our house doesn’t feel like a home
Ever since I had to let you go

When I had to let you go and walk away
I knew that life would never be the same
I wish that you could just come home
And I’m sorry that I didn’t hug you more
For all the texts that you sent that I ignore
I miss you more than you know

I miss all the little things
Like how you made me laugh and how you made me feel that
I could go do anything
I believe you, but I need you

I’ve been feeling so alone
God, I miss you more than you could know
Our house doesn't feel like a home
Ever since had to let you go

I’ve been struggling to fight back tears
These 24 months felt like 10 years
Our house doesn’t feel like a home
Ever since I had to let you go
Our house doesn't feel like a home
Ever since I had to let you go
Our house doesn't feel like a home
Ever since I had to let you go

Fuck that song! I had to open my stereo to help me not remember her for a while, but fuck!

I just remember the times that she's still with me and that made me miss her more!

The Place I Really Belong (When He Realized Series 1)Where stories live. Discover now