Meeting Yourself

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E-2 Laurel was drinking vodka while looking at The Black Canary Statue. Team Arrow and some of Team Flash we're in the bunker grieving over Oliver's death and trying to catch up what exactly changed after crisis.

Laurel kept on thinking about what Dinah said "are you alright, everyone is taking this pretty hard but you seem like it hit you the worst" the true fact was that she was beating herself up. The E-1 version of the love of her life just died but the thing she was beating herself up the most is that Laurel Lance did not return from the dead like everyone else Oliver cared about.

Laurel took another swig of vodka. "Dinah Laurel Lance always trying to save the world and you did" said Laurel looking up at the statue " when I first came to this Earth to fight for Zoom he told me that this version of me died. I remember all the checky snarky things I said about you to everyone one you loved. They all wanted to see me as you and I hated it. All I cared about was to live it didn't matter who got in the way. Bad choice to another and another" *another swig* "Then Quentin showed me tose videos and pictures of you. I saw a video of your saving a young boys life and that's when I started to respect you but Caydon made me push down those feelings" *another swig* "Caydon ordered me to kill Vince. I didn't want to I really didn't. I could see Dinah *sniff* trying to pick herself up and I was gonna fight Caydon but he then looked at me threatened my life. That's when I pushed my feelings down again" a tear falls down her cheek " I killed Vince. Then I had to use my survival instincts again because Dinah was on her ' I'm going to murder all of then starting with Laurel ' chase. That's when I came up with I idea of being you. The Black Canary, The Countries hero, one of the biggest public figure in the world. I'm so sorry I did that. Quentin he was there all the time. He was the only person who saw me as me back then. I did that court thing and I remember seeing Quentin smile. That's was when I really knew I do anything to protect him. And I'm sorry I failed I know his now alive but I feel so bad because I blame myself about that night. He died and then I had no one. Dinah couldn't kill me because I was you. She slowly started to forgive me but still only saw me as Black Siren. Felicity was my first best friend then she got pregnant and I got that feeling again where I knew I had to protect her. I got Oliver out helped the team once and awhile it felt good but Emiko came and ruined it all she didn't exactly ruined me she ruined your legacy and I'm so sorry I let that happen. I went all Black Siren again but Felicity brought me back from the edge with the help of Dinah and Sara. Sara wow *sniff* I haven't seen that face since I was 16. Your sister is amazing you were so lucky to have her. Then she was there for me it felt like I had my sister back again. She helped me so much! *another swig* I went back to Earth 2 started my life again. I thought to myself every Earth deserves a Laurel Lance like you so I did it. I became Black Canary like you I saved lives like you. And thanks to you I got my friends and family back. Thank you! but then crisis happened I lost everything again but this time I didn't let the darkness take over I fought it. But now your not here I'm so sorry. I wish you were here instead of me"

"No, we can both be here" came a soft familiar voice.
Laurel turned around and was face to face with the famous Black Canary.
She had long dirty blonde hair wearing blacks jeans with a white t shirt and her famous black leather jacket.
"Just like everyone else" said Laurel
"I'm so sorry for everything, every bad comment I made about you. I'm so sorry" a tear left E-2 Laurels eye.
"I forgive you!!!" said Laurel with a smile.
"Thank you"
They stood there smiling at each other until E-2 Laurel spoke
" Have you seen anyone else?"
"No I wanted to see you and thank you in person for being there for my friends and family"
"You welcome!"
Laurel stook out a hand to shake. They shook hands and walked of together.
Enjoying there time and getting to know each other.

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