Meeting The Family Again

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Everyone was at the bunker. Diggle decided to do a little get together with family and friends.

Diggle, Quentin, Sara, Felicity, Barry, Caitlin, Cisco, Dinah, Rene, William, Mia, Nyssa, Roy, Thea, Ray, Curtis, Kara and a few others were here.

Nyssa, Thea and Roy were talking about Thea idea on the League of Heros.
Sara, Dinah, Felicity, Mia, Kara and Cisco were talking about The Canary system.
Curtis, Ray, Quentin, Barry, Rene and William were taking about time travel.

Felicity was in the middle of saying something when the bunker made an alarm noise. Everyone went quite.
"What was that" asked Diggle.
Felicity ran to her computer.
"Someone's coming!"
Everyone looked at the elevator getting ready to fight who ever was coming and wasn't supposed to be there.
The elevator opened and revealed two Laurels.
Everyone was shocked.
"Laurel what's going on?" asked Dinah.
The two Laurels looked at each other. E-2 Laurel gave a nod to E-1 Laurel. She had tears in her eyes she looked at the crowd and spotted her sister, Sara then her Dad.
"Hey Sara, Hey Dad" the second she finished her sentence Sara attacked her older sister with a hug, they were both crying.
"Yeah it's me Sara"
They broke their hug and looked at there Dad.
"Yeah it's me"
Quentin ran to he's daughter's and they all hugged each other.
Everyone else just watched The Lance family reunite.
After 5 minutes of crying and hugging Laurel stepped out and was immediately hugged by Thea.
"Hey Speedy"
Then she was hugged by Felicity.
"I missed you so much Laural!"
"Me too"
Laurel looked over her shoulder and saw some of Team Flash.
Laurel hugged Barry, Caitlin and Cisco.
"OMG I missed you so much Laurel. I have a new suit for you oh oh I have a new collar for you and all" Cisco explained.
"Who are you?" Laurel asked Mia politely
"I'm Oliver's daughter, Mia from the future" they shook hands
"You look so much like your mother" Laurel said.
"Yeah also I'm a big fan!"
"That's cool we can hang out before you go back to the future" Laurel suggest
"YES PLEASE!!!" Mia blurts out they both smile.
They all reunited with Laurel.
Until it came to Nyssa.
"Hey Nyssa I missed you"
Nyssa and Laurel hugged each other for dear life.
"I'm so happy your back Black Canary" they smiled.
Laurel then saw Dinah Curtis Rene standing at the back.
"You guys must be new?" Laural asked.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Laurel" Rene stoke out he's hand and the shook hands.
"Hi I'm Curtis, big fan of your work, Dinah wait there's now three Dinah's, should I call you Dinah? or Laural 1.0? or just Laurel?" Everyone starts laughing.
"Hahaha you can call me Laurel"
She looked at Dinah who was particularly quiet.
"You must be Dinah" they shook hands "yeah I am"
Laurel needed to speak to Dinah alone.
"Hey can I talk to you in private?"
Dinah looked around "yeah sure"

Everyone resumed to their past conversations, while Laurel and Dinah went to the garage.
"So what you wanna talk about?" asked Dinah.
"Your the Black Canary, aren't you?" Laurel asked with a soft smile.
"Yeah, I never wanted to replace you I -" Dinah doesn't get to finish her sentence because she's pulled into a hug. She's confused at first but she quickly wraps her arms around the blondes body.
"Thank you for taking the mantle and honoring me. I really appreciate it Black Canary" they both burst into laughter. They break their hug.
"Your welcome Laurel. And thank you, your the reason I got friends and family. You were such a role model. Your the reason I got my life back so thank you!" they both had tears in their eyes.
"Oh and Dinah take a step with Laurel" told Dinah with a smirk.
"What you mean?" asked Dinah knowing where this is going.
"I saw the way you look and smile at her"
"I don't think your the right person to talk to about this" said Dinah.
"Oh because I'm her original self"  Laurel admits with a smile.
"Yeah that's why" they both laugh "it's complicated"
"Explain how complicated!" Laurel asks.
"She killed my boyfriend. I hated her for it but I then started seeing who she really is. We got really close but then she left. Then she lost her whole world I don't know it's just complicated" explains Dinah.
"Look Oliver was the love of my life. When he got back from Lian Yu I blamed him for everything but I loved him. We tried but then something else happened and we never got the chance to try again. So don't do my mistake. Act before it's too late. Dinah our lives are complicated something will always happen." Laurel leaves to let Dinah think about what she just said.

The second Laurel walked away from Dinah was attacked with a hug by her sister.
"Hey hey hey what's up with you sis?" Laurel asked. Sara didn't respond then Laurel heard Sara crying.
They stood their hugging each other till Laurel heard Sara breath calm.
"Hey Sara look at me" Sara hesitated but looked up at her sister.
"Hey talk to me"
"I'm so sorry I couldn't save you. I wanted to I really did. But if I changed the timeline not only you would've died but Dad would've too and then I thought about killing Damian years before but then that would've ruined the timeline. I always wanted my sister back. I missed you so much, I'm so sorry!"
Sara hugged Laurel again.
"Hey hey Sara it's okay I forgive you because I know when you didn't bring me back is because of a good reason. I love you Sara so much it's okay"
"I love you so much please don't leave!" Sara begged.
"I love you to and I'm not going anywhere" Laurel explained
"Laurel?!" Sara whimpered
"I love you" and at that Laurel knew she will do everything in her power to never leave her family and friends especially her sister.
"I love you to"

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