Chapter 1

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I had just boarded a plane. My ticket to escape.

Context might be a little important. I'm Kang Ari, a nineteen year old with some pretty basic dreams. All I really want in life is to have a simple quiet life alone. I've had some pretty sucky people in my life. That's kind of why I wanted to get away for awhile. I wanted to find a place far far away where I could start over. Now that I'm old enough to live on my own, it's finally my chance.

I took a window seat in an empty aisle. I set my bag down under the seat in front of me and adjusted my headphones. Chill songs played through my ears, relaxing my tense nerves. As other people filed in the plane, I felt shifting in the seat on the isle. I turned to see a guy with a very angular jaw. He had dark hair and didn't look like he really wanted to talk. He looked around my age but for the most part we ignored each other. It looked like two other guys, who both looked a little younger, boarded with him. They sat on the other side of the isle. They chatted amongst themselves as time went on, but almost immediately after take off the two fell asleep.

While the two unfamiliar boys where napping, I brought out my sketchbook and pulled down the small table of the seat in front of me. I just did a few rough sketches of some people on the plane, whether it was their poses or their look.

"Stalking people is illegal you know," I heard a voice say.

I turned to the voice. It belonged to the boy in the seat near me. I pulled out my headphones and looked at the peculiar kid. He was pretty muscular. He had high cheekbones and gorgeous skin. He looked into my eyes occasionally glancing down at the sketch I had been working on. Now that I had his attention I wouldn't let this could-be-conversation pass me up.

"It's called people watching. It's just to get some sketching practice so calm down," I replied quietly. "Plus, you're the one watching me, creep."

He reacted by making a 'tch' sound and rolling is eyes.

"You wish I was watching you."

"Why in the world would I want to be watched by a creep like you?"

"Because this so called 'creep' is a catch."

"Ah, yes. I'm so sorry where are my manners, I am in awe of your utter beauty and hotness. Please forgive me kind and gorgeous man," I said sarcastically.

He cracked a sideways smirk as he tried to hold back his smile.

"You're pretty funny."

"And you're really creepy. Why are we pointing out the obvious?"

He smirked and laughed a little this time. He introduced himself as Changbin. I resorted to calling him creep though. The rest of the flight was spent conversing, very sarcastically mind you, about pretty much any and everything that came up.

When we landed we exchanged numbers and he promised to talk again soon. We parted ways while getting off. I saw him at the baggage claim with his friends who looked exhausted. After I got my bags I called a taxi to come pick me up. I gave him the address to my new house and we where off.

The drive was pretty short but full of beautiful sights. When he stopped at the entrance to a little beach I thanked the man. I payed him, took my things, and walked on the beach a ways before seeing the small cabin that I now got to call home. It was so gorgeous.

The walls where a dark brown with a lighter wooden roof. The whole place had a great rustic feel to it. There was a small ramp that led down to the shore line and a large pile of flat rocks that where nearby that would provide the perfect view of the beautiful clear water.

I walked into the small house and sighed as I saw the beautifully furnished home. It wasn't all that special looking, but it was perfect for me.

There was a simple light grey couch and a matching love seat with dark pillows. The light colored walls complimented the dark accents to the room in the most lovely way. As I walked from the front door to the living room where the large tv and couch where, I saw the half wall that connected to the kitchen counter. The kitchen was fairly small, but big enough for me to make some decent sized meals. There where three chairs seated at the counter.

I continued through the house to a hallway with the two matching bedrooms, on opposing sides of the hallway I had walked into. One had a queen size bed and was decorated elegantly, perfect for resting in. The other had a large desk and bookshelf. The shelves where mostly bare minus a few things placed to add to the aesthetic of the whole room. In the right hand corner of the room was a small trundle bed. There was also a nightstand with a small lamp. On the other side of the wall was a door that led to the bathroom.

Both of these rooms had small bay windows with cabinets built into the bottom. I could see myself sitting in the small alcove with nothing to do but read endless amounts of literature and painting the scenes from them I would imagine in my head.

As the excitement and anticipation built up, I began to unpack my things eagerly. I finished organizing my clothes between the drawers under the bed and the small closet that connected to the master bathroom.

A few hours later it was almost sunset and I decided to order some food. After it was delivered I quickly ate the large meal and grabbed my sandals and camera.

I went out to the warm summer air with a smile. I walked down the ramp to the flat rocks I had seen earlier. I sat down on one of the tallest ones and took a few photos of the sunset. I stayed out for a few minutes before golden hour passed. Afterwards I ran inside to put my camera away and grab a towel to sit on.

As I closed my front door, I was surprised to see a group of boys out so late. Not to mention said boys where sitting and swimming by the rock I had just been at. They where rather loud so I just decided to walk at little farther down the beach in the opposite direction.

I stopped when I was near the next house over from mine. I set down my towel and laid back. The stars where so alluring and beautiful. The faint moonlight concealed by the clouds was beautiful.

As the night sky distracted me, my thoughts began to run wild. I had just run from the only place I had known to move to some obscure island. Had no job and no real experience. I had Money from my grandfather, but that was really it. I had been in such a rush I wasn't able to bring much.

I sighed in the dark nearly silent night. Listening to the sounds of the boys who had kicked me out of my spot made me exhausted. I didn't realize how tired I had been from the flight I guess. I faded to sleep on the soft towel laid in the sand.


A/n: I hope you guys enjoy this story! I am having a lot of fun planning and I hope you have as much fun reading it

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