Chapter 4

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A couple of hours had passed. It was about nine forty five-ish. I could hear the noise as the party started but just ignored it and took a long shower. Afterwards I dried off and changed into a comfy sun dress and cardigan with pockets.

I slipped my phone into the pocket and stepped outside on my porch. The lights from the party where pretty bright and the music was super loud.

I walked down to the shoreline and sat down, hugging my knees and digging my feet in the sand. I sat for a few minutes undisturbed left only to my thoughts. That was until I heard the sounds of sand sliding as someone walked towards me.

"So did you change your mind yet," a familiar voice said behind me.

I turned to the voice. It was Han. He smiled as he sat down next to me. He had changed from the casual street clothes he had been wearing earlier in the day. He was now wearing black ripped jeans, a dark t-shirt, and a jean jacket with some red detailing. I had to admit, he looked pretty attractive with the colorful lights of the party behind us reflecting off his smooth skin.

"Well," he asked impatiently, his smile faultering.

"I think I'll be fine out here. I usually don't get along well with people."

"Oh please, we get along just fine. And people like me are in there. I'm everyone would love you."

As he said those comforting words he hit your shoulder with his by leaning a little closer. You smiled and laughed, but your smile faltered.

"I don't know if anyone could love me," I mumbled.

Han's expression dropped immediately. He looked so worried. I couldn't help but wonder if he could understand. Maybe he could sympathize. Or maybe he would hurt me like everyone else.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have said anything," I said quickly after glancing at his face.

He grabbed one of my hands in both of his. He removed his hand for a moment though to lift up my chin so I would meet his eyes.

"Dont you dare compare me to who ever hurt you," He said in a near whisper. "I'm here for you. I don't care what's happened to you. I'm here. And if you're comfortable I'd like to know why you think that way."

I tried to take, but I could already feel the lump in my throat forming. I tried again and this time I got a whole breath in.

"I'm from America. I came here to get away from all the crap that I dealt with there. I left everything I had ever known just to come here and second guess everything I do. I never thought that what he said..."

I tried to take a deep breath and calm myself down a little as tears began to form in my eyes. The wind blew all around us. I began to shiver as my hair flew off my shoulder. I felt Jisung let go of my hands and place his jacket around me. He left an arm slung over my shoulder and the other resumed its spot holding my hand.

"My father was a cruel and angry man. He hurt me a lot when I was younger. Most of his anger spouted from when I was a baby. His father was very well off, but my dad rebelled from him. He dropped out of high school and ran away with my mom. They had me when they where teens and got married right after I was born. Not soon after, my grandpa learned that I was around and asked to meet me. When my parents told him to screw off he threatened to take away my dad's inheritance. My dad never let me meet my grandfather. He died when I was three, but before that he changed his will. All of his land, money, and other assets would be given to me when I turned eighteen.

"My dad was furious and so was my mom. They both took their anger out on me since I was an easy target. For years they where taking pills and drinking. It was terrible. At school I didn't talk to anyone and when a teacher asked me where I got some of the bruises I had, I told her they where from falling on the playground. I kept up that act for as long as I could. But eventually I couldn't anymore. I stopped going to my classes. When I turned eighteen I got all my stuff together and left. You know the worst part of it all? I told them I was going to a sleepover when I left. And they believed me. I don't even know if they knew it was my birthday. But now I'm here and I get to start over."

He gave me this look of almost admiration and pity mixed together. He hugged me completely, pulling my bent legs over his nearly straight ones. I leaned into the hug and began to cry harder.

"I know it isn't much, but I can sympathize a little," he whispered softly into my ear. "My parents split a few years ago. My mom lives out in Korea, and my dad and I live here. Their break up really messed me up. I slept around and used all the girls I could. It made me feel like a man, but I was just being a coward. It was the easy way out. But when my dad told me he was moving it finally hit me that I needed to get my crap together. I visit my mom every few months now, but I needed to be with my dad after they split. He took everything so hard... I felt terrible and thought it was my fault. But I found out it wasn't, it was my mom. She cheated on my dad and thought if he didn't know she could have both men. But she lost them and me."

After I calmed down from crying, I pulled back from the hug and wiped my eyes with the sleeves of his jacket.

"I'm sorry I'm ruining your night," I said softly as I hugged my knees to my chest.

"Actually you did the opposite. Not only did you make my day this morning by just being you, I now know that your a bad*ss too. Anyone who can go through what you did and still be fighting up until the day you left is incredible," he said as he scooted over in the soft sand to face me and rub my leg.

"I'm not incredible. I'm barely getting by as it is," I tried to deny, but he just shook his head and smiled.

"You're perfect Ari."

"You don't even know me."

"True, but you could always tell me more."

"I don't think you wanna know someone as boring and sad as me."

"Believe me I do. That way I can prove to you you aren't boring. And I can put a smile on that beautiful face of yours. Let's get you inside."

He helped me stand and held my hand as we walked over to my house. He opened the door and led me inside.

"I'll see you tomorrow Ari," he said as he closed my door.

I guess I have at least one friend now. Or maybe more?

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