Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sounds of wood creaking. I was wrapped up in a soft towel on the porch of an older looking beach house. The wood all around me looked much older than that at my house.

As I came to my sense I realized I was on the porch of the house the was to the left of mine. On the opposite side of the porch was a tall strong looking teenage guy with full lips sitting in an old wooden rocking chair. He had blonde hair that fell between his eyebrows and eyes. It looked as though it was curly, but he had tried to straighten it.

As I studied his face I saw him beginning to stir from his slumber. He slowly opened his eyes to meet mine. As he sat up and opened his mouth to say something, the front door between us swung inwardly to reveal a guy with black hair smirking.

"Morning, Chan. And mysterious lady who appeared on the beach last night," the guy said, the smirk still playfully on his lips.

"ARE WE SURE SHE ISN'T A MERMAID," a younger boy shouted behind him.

The guy in the rocking chair massaged the bridge of his nose and stood from the chair he had been seated in. He pushed the two boys back in the house and shut the door. He turned away from the door and sighed deeply.

He then turned to me with a tired smile and said," Hi, sorry about them. Can we just restart? I'm Chan. I live in this house. I have a couple of roommates and friends and they're over a LOT."

He laughed awkwardly nearly the whole time he was talking.

"I'm Ari, I guess I'm your neighbor."

He gave me a puzzled look. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand. I dragged him out onto the beach. I turned and pointed at my house.

"I moved in yesterday. So we're neighbors."

He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. His cheeks where slightly red as he gave me a slightly embarrassed look.

"Thanks for... um... keeping me safe last night, I guess."

"Oh, it was no big deal."

After a few more minutes of small talk and exchanging numbers I walked back home. Out house where only a few yards away so I was definitely okay walking back by myself (even if Chan insisted on walking me back).

When I got inside, I took off my sandals and laughed a bit. My first night in my new house and I didn't even spend it in my own bed. I sounded way worse then it was. I continued laughing like a crazy person until I felt my stomach growl. I realized I hadn't gotten any groceries yet. I also didn't know where the grocery store was.

I used google maps because of my garbage internal compass, but still got lost. After awhile I got hungry and stopped at a little restaurant I saw.

I heard the little bell on the door ding as I walked in. A women at the counter of the small deli smiled at me and said," Good afternoon, how may I help you?"

She had dark brown hair and a determined mothering look to her. She had this smile though that was contagious. As you began to scan the menu the woman appeared to be taking in your whole appearance. She let out a light laugh as her smile turned into a slight smirk.

She walked out from behind the counter and leaned on the side you where on. She crossed her arms and said a simple," So you're new in town."

I was slightly taken aback. I couldn't really think of anyway to respond. She smirked at my shock and laughed as she got closer to me. She slung an arm around my shoulder.

"Sorry for my bold words, I'm Joelia, you can call me Joel. I can tell you're the quiet loner type. I am definitely the opposite so I'd like to make it my personal goal to help you get aquatinted with your new surroundings."

It was strange how her lengthy talk sort of calmed you. I introduced myself after her short speech. You let her guide you to a seat at the counter where she could talk to you while she worked.

"Where do you come from stranger," she asked me as she cleaned a glass.

"The states. I wanted a fresh start so I found somewhere remote and packed up all I could," I explained as I fiddled with the sandwich she had made me.

"Ah, that explains the accent. It's a little strange to get an American here. Anywho, you looked so lost as soon as you came in. Anything I can help with?"

"Well I couldn't find the store. I need to get some produce and a few other necessary items."

She nodded her head and held up a finger to signal for you to wait as she dealt with a customer. It was about ten minutes until she was free again By that time you had already finished your sandwich.

"You couldn't find the market," she asked as she wiped her hands on her apron.

"No, I'm afraid I'm a little directionally challenged," I laughed back awkwardly. She gave me a little smile and nodded her head in understanding.

"Let me give you a little run down of this area. There's two districts around here. Where my shop is is the lower district. It's where all the less expensive non name brand stuff is sold. Usually the people on this side of town tend to be a lot nicer. On the other side of the island is the upper district. They have a lot more expensive restaurants and bars, but the people who live there are all snooty rich kids. Down here is where all the fun happens. And where all the jobs are."

"Jobs? I sort of need to get one of those. Know any places hiring?"

"We could always use the help around here. If you need money and are struggling to find work, call me up."

She took a brief pause to say good bye to a customer.

"If you go up two blocks you'll see the street market. It's got all the best foods for a great price. You can also find a couple of pretty nice boutiques over there."

"Oh, thank you so much."

"No problem. If you ever need help I'll be right here. Say, where do you live shrimpy," the tall girl asked as I was halfway out the door.

"One of the beach houses on the shoreline. If you face the water and take a right and go all the way down to the end of the houses, you'll be there."

The woman nodded and smirked to herself as you left. 

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