Request Deatils

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Hello! Thank you all so much for reading my story, This chapter is all about Requests so if you can skip if you whant. 

Edit: Request are now closed. I'm working on my class redemption series one-shots so I can't be doing request right now. All requests that were made before are being put on the back burner, but I'm working on them. When I finsih them then requests will be open. Thank you.

How to Requste:

There are two ways to request.

1. You may comment on this chapter. Please do not request on other chapters. This just makes it easier to keep track of requests this way.

2. You may messedge me. You can messedge me your requst.


As you can read from the desiprieoon, those ships are the main ones I'm going to be focused on. But, if you whant a specific ship with your request, and I aceppt I'll do it.

Some inculd:






I will take any from of salt, you name it. Though when it comes to Adriensalt I might not do it. Chat is my favouite caracter and I feel bad to hurt him.

What needs to be in your request:

Just what ships you whant, form of salts and plot. That's all and I will do the rest.

Were you can find your Requsted Chapter:

I will tag you but if it dosen't work I will just put your name.


The one thing I whaed to say is, if I don't feel comfterable with your requst I don't have to do it. If I'm not comfterable with the ship, plot, salt or anything I don't have to do it. My reasoning is that I may not be a good enough auther for that story. I what to give you all the best abd only the best when ti comes to my writing.

Alright that is all thank you for reading.

Miraculous Salt One-Shots *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now