Class Redemption-Alix

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Alix was sitting her bed reading from her phone. All of sudden a white portal appered from the ground and Bunnix stepped out.

"Bunnix!" Alix exliemed before hugging her older self.

She laughed before hugging yer younger self. "It's good to see you to MiniMe.

"But there's something I need to tell you." she sat here younger self on her bed.

"You now that Lila Rossi is lieing about everything right? Well you need to help Marinette, here." she handed her a bottel.

"What's this?" Younger Alix asked.

"Add that to Lila's drink and make ask her about her lies in front of the entite school. Can I count on you?"

"You bet."


Alix was thinking of ways to use the bottel and revel Lila in front of the whole entire school. While walking she stumbled upon the school board. There were a bunch of sighn up sheet's for school clubs but what caught Alix's eye was the Magicain show. The school was going to have a magical contest and the whole school was invited. Alix smiled before signing up.

"Your a magican Alix?" Alic turned around to see The girls and Lila.

"Yah just whant to try it out you know?"

"Well my couin is a famouse magican, I can ask her to mentor you, you now." Lila lied.

"Thanks Lila." and with that she made her way offf to go walk with Marinette and Nino.


It was the day of the show and everyone was getting there things ready. Some of the acts were really good, some not.

The principle then when't to the mircrophone. "Next we have Alix from Ms.B's class." the room claped as she made her way up the staries.

"Hello everyone Im Alix. Today I brought with me this." she showed everyone the bottel. "This is a truth potion. In order for my trick to work I'm going to need a volenteer."

Hands all around when't up, inculding Lila's.

"How about you Lila?" and with that the liar made her way to the stage. Alix got a cup and pored the juice into it. It was purple and smelt like coconut. She gave Lila the drink and waited.

"Alright then let's strt off with something easy. What's your name?"

"Lila Rossi."

"Good now. Have you ever lied before?"

"Yes."  Her eye's whent wide. "Well everyone lies."

"Well have you ever lied about Marinette Dupin-Cheng?"

"Yes." the room gashped when she said that.

"What did you lie about?"

"Marinette did not bully me. I do not have tittinitus, or any lieing desaise. I do not now any celbritres. I did not help Jagged Stone in any way. Everything I have ever said is a lie."

"Why did you lie?"

"I whanted to be popular and I liked Adrien Agrest." The room gashped again.

"There you have it folks." and with that Alix took  bow.


Lila got expelled and the class aplogived to Marinette. Alix was packing her stuff up when she say wa fuiger come up to her.

"Hey Alix." Marinette told the pink-haired girl.

"Hey Mari. Is everything ok?"

"Yeah I just whant to say thank you, for everything."

"No promblom. That's what friends do." They hugged and left the classroom.

*These One-Shots are ment to be short so sorry about that.*

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