Felix's Fiannce

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Requested by: pookiedragonfire (Sorry it took so long. My class Redemption series has kept me busy.)

Word Count: 1669

Salt: Lilasalt, Adriesalt, Tom and Sabine salt

Ships: Felinette, Lilien (Thanks Elecornatishigadle
The snow was falling. Little pecks of white dust gracfully falling in piles. It was the middle of winter and it was also the busyiest time for the bakery. It was harder now for Tom and Sabine, they had kicked out there daughter. A girl named Lila Rossi had told them things Marinette had done and they didn't whant a dughter like that.

As they were packeging food and handing it to coustemers, Adrien walked in.

"Hello Mr and Mrs.Dupin-Cheng." he waved.

"Hello Adrien, how are you doing?" Sabine asked the boy.

"Good." he smiled "My Cousin and his fiannce are comming to paris all the way from London."

Sabine smiled at the boy as she handed him a box. "You now last I heard Marinette lives in London."

Adrien catched the adults sad face and said. "This time makes you think of her huh?"

"Yes. I heard around that after we kicked her out she moved with Chloe and Chloe's mother. During that time her and Chloe when't to a Amarican and Brittish privete school. I aslo heard she got herself a boy."

"Well thank you Mrs.Dupin-Cheng for everything." he waved, she then waved back. He got out of the bakery and got into his car with Gorilla and drove off to the Rossi resdince.

After Marinette chouldn't take her classmates bullying, her parenst abuse and Lila, Adrien got with the liar. It was for his fathers bussiness of course. He was pickng her up, they were all going to have a big family dinner. He got out of the car and walked up to there dorr and knocked.

The door opened up to Lila's mother Andi Rossi "Oh hello Adrien." she gretted.

"Hello Mrs.Rossi, is Lila here?" he asked.

"Yes she is. LILA, ADRIENS HERE." she called. Soon then came the clicking of heels down the staires. Lila acually didn't look bad. Her heair was out of the sauguge syle and just down now. Her dress was blue with a blue sash one shade draker then the dress in the middle with blue flows on the top. It was a v-neck and had a split up the leg. Her heels were plain gold and she had a pearl neclase on.

She torotted her way down to the door, Adrien then smiled at her.

"You look beautiful Lila."

"Thanks. I had the girls over and they helped me." she smiled as she took his hand.

"I'll have her back by 8 Mrs.Rossi."

"Alright, have fun." and with that the couple made there way to the car.

At the agreat Mansion Natalie was perapring the last things for the dinner. She was makeing shure that the plates were lined up when she heard the door opending and a voice.

"Is Miss Rossi and Adrien her yet?" Gabriel asked his assisantt.

"No sir, though Felix and his mother and the guest are running late. The snow has casued some delayes." she told her boss.

Gabriel frowned as the door opened souns eachoing through the Mansion.

Adrien put his caot and scarf that he had had for a number of years onto the coat rack. He laughed with Lila as he diracted her to the dining room. Nataile was standing behind the door and bowed as if letting them come in. Gabriel was alrady in hs seat at the head of the table.

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