Class Redemption-Sabrina

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After Lila came pack from Achu, Sabrina when't to FBI camp. She whanted to be like her father but a tech wizard. Kinda like here favouite super hero, Oricale. Ever since she was little Sabrina loved commic books. Most won't now this but Chloe also enjoyed them.

She had gotten letters from Chloe talking what had happend in the class and she was mortified. 1. Chloe had apoligized to Marinette and she was now a better peron, I gyess thats good. 2. Lila had tuen the whole class away from Mrinette, 3. everyone was bullyng the two girls. So she vowed when she came back she whould help Chloe and Marinette.

The camp had been in Califona os hs ehad taken a plane. She got out of bagedge claim and was suprised. Standing there was her Father, Chloe and Marinette. The three gilrs hit it off and more and more Sabina whanted to help poor Marinette. So she did what she laerned and made a plan.

She surched up the name Lila Rossi and found nothing but Alya's articals about her on the Ladyblog. She then hacked into school records (Don't do this at home kids) and found out Lila had been switching schools fwecintly. She later found out each class she had been on. Suprisingly one person from each class and ended the life of moved away. Suprise right?

She later got the conntact information from some of he people who had moved awa7y thanks to the liar. She had black sungalles on while reading a newspaper. She tied her hair into a smll ponytail, she had grown it out. She wore black jeans and a raindeer saeter.

"Are you S.R?" a group of girls asked to her.

She smiled before ushering them to sit down. "Yes I am. You must be Margret, Penny, Maia and Edan." she pointed to each of the firls.

"I go by peggy." the first girl said.

"Well then Peggy."

"You said you whanted to talk about Lila Rossi." Edan said in a hush-whisper.

"Yes. You see I'm afradi a good friend of mine is like your four, she's getting hurt byour class thanks to Lila. I can't have that happen. I'm starting my case but I need more information so what do you say?" she asked. The girls smiled beofre Penny gave Sabrina a file.

"We've been doing our homework to. Everything you'll need is in here." Peggy explained.

It took a while but Sabrina fanilly finshed her case. She had proof agenst every single lia that had came out of Lila. Also every person she tried to frame and hurt. She sent it to the police and family that had lost there kids becuase of her, she also sent it to thosse who had moved away.

She entered the net day with a bright smile on her face. She when't over to were Marinette and Chloe were sitting. "Hey guys, I made these for us." she then gave the 2 girls friendship braclets and slipped on on her wrist.

The girls talked a bit before Ms.B cmae in. "Hello class I hope your all doing well." the class expect the three girls flashed smiles to the woman.

"I just whant to start fo the day saying Happy Birthday to Lila." the whole class then clapped.

"Aww thanks guys!" Lila faked brushing a tear of her eye.

"Now that that's all well start the lesson-"

"Um Ms.B!" Sabrian yelled.

"Yes Sabrina?' the teacher asked.

" Can I go to the front and present something please? Its for my FBI camp." she asked calmly.

"Alright." and with that Sabrina made her way to the front and plugged a hardwive to the computer. It then projeted to the foront of the class. Each slide had an aticlae. First on was this.

Sharah Miller

Died on: 23/3/16

Reason: Sucide

The next slide then came on.

Lily Skylars

Died on: 04/4/16

Reason: Sucide

Many more slides came on, they were on the last one when Ms.B stopped to computer.

"Why are you shwoing the class this!" she yelled at Sabrina. The door then flew opened.

Stabding there were a bunch of celebites, adults in black, teens and Lawyers. One lawyer stepped up to were Lila was.

"Lila Rossi, you are hear by suded for cause of sudide, scandel and many more." she then put a stack off pappers on her desk.

Anough Lwayer then came to Ms.B "You are hear by sue for Neglect and helping a bully." he then gave her a stack of pappers.

"You can't do that!" Alya shouted as she got up from her seat, many following.

"All those people you saw on the screen were poeple who died thatks to Lila. Marinette chould've been one of them!" Sabrina snapped back.

The class was stunned. Had Lila really done that? Chloud that have really happend to Marinette?

The two cops took away Ms.B and Lila. A susbiste came and started to teach.

Sabrina was happy. She hoped that somewere, somehow Oricale was watching andthat she was proud of her.

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