
12.3K 182 149

Requested by:  pookiedragonfire

Word Count: 1421

Salt: Classsalt, Alyasalt, Lilasalt, Adriensalt, Tom and Sabine salt

Ships: Roynette

The chime of the bell rang as a girl stepped into the Bakery. It smelled like bread and pastires and had a nice comfy feel. Sabine was at the register as she welcomed the girl.

"Hello how can I help you today?" she asked giveing the girl a smile.

"Hi, my name is Lila Rossi, I go to school with your daughter Marinette."

"Oh? Marinette never menched a girl named Lila at her school."

"I just moved here, that's probobly why."

"Well anyway how can I help you dear?"

"I was walking behind the school ad saw your daughter smokeing." she then proced to tell a lot of lies about Marinette doing horriffic things.

"Oh thank you. I'll talk to here as soon as she get's back. Can I get you anything? On the house."

"It's alright. Have a good day." she called before steping out.

"You to." Sabine called.

After a few hours Marinette returned home from school.

"I'm home!" she called as she made her way to the liveing room. There Sabine was on the couch glaring at there daughter along with Tom who was standing behind then couch.

"Is everything ok?" she asked.

Sabine then proced to tell her the events that had happend earier that day with Lila.

"Mama, none of those are ture there don't belive them do you?" she asked.

"Marinette, we now with your friends leaving you, you have a lot of emotinons but doing drugs is not right." Tom told her.

Mari felt the tears on her cheeks as her mother countined. "So me and your father decsied that...we don't whant to be your parents anymore. Pack your things and leave." they both got up and when't to the Bakery.

Marinette then when't to her room to pack her things. Tikki flew up and catched a carfull eye for akumas. Once she was ready Marinette left and head for Chloe's hotel.

Ever since Lila had came the two girls had becme insepirabel. Chloe had apoliged for her actions and before they knew it they were closer the Alya and Marinette. She walked in the rain before she finally got there.

She was a mess. Her hair was wet among her cloths. He eyes were red and puffy for crying and she chould bearly say a sentance. Chloe ran to her friend hugging her.

"Omg Mari-gold what happend?" she asked as she hugged her crying friend.

"My family-they belived Lila. They kicked me out and abanoned me!" she cried harder. Chloe held her friend as she cried it out. Pollen flew out and hugged the girl along with Tikki.

There was a knock at the door. "What is it?" Chloe called out. "The Wayne's are here Miss Chloe." a voice said. She looked at Marinette then at the door.

"Tell them I'm busy." she shouted and she then helped Marinette in hopes to make the girl feel better.

Back with Andre and the Wayne's there waiting on Chloe. The door opened to reveal a butler.

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