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Before moving away to Chicago, Ricky Bowen spent his first few years in Salt Lake City. However, after his kindergarten year, his parents decided it was best for them to have a divorce.

Ricky knew they were having some trouble in their marriage, despite him being only 5 at the time. The atmosphere changed and there always seemed to be tension when the both of his parents were in the same room.

It was decided by the court that Lynne, his mom, would take full custody of him and that was when she decided to move.

Having learned about the move to a different place, Ricky was not happy at all. He did not want to leave Salt Lake, his dad, or his two best friends that he would play with everyday at school, Ej and Gina.

On his first day of first grade in his new Chicago school, he met his, now, best friend, Big Red.

They became inseparable since the moment they met. They skateboarded for the first time together, spent all nighters together, and started middle school and high school together.

Bid Red was the brother Ricky never had. He even helped Ricky with win over the heart of his current girlfriend, Annie.

But ever since the first night in Chicago, he has been having the same dream of a certain girl. He did not know anything about her: her name, where she lived, how old she was.

But Ricky always found comfort in his dreams with her and he felt as if he knew her, like they grew up together.
Back in Salt Lake City, Nini Salazar-Roberts moved into town just in time for first grade.

She was a timid little girl, but quickly became friends with Kourtney, Ashlyn, Seb, and Carlos. All through elementary, middle school, and even high school, they were the only group that did not break apart.

Nini and her family were not the wealthiest family out there, so, since freshman year, Nini became her drama teacher's, son's babysitter.

She was always close with that family because theatre was her escape from reality and Miss Jenn would always be there to comfort her when she was having problems at home.

The last couple years, she got close with that family and she considered them her home away from home.

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