Chapter One

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Ricky and Annie were out at a nearby park sitting on a bench conversing about their relationship and memories that they have. They both had a coffee in their hands that they got earlier from Philz.

"I can't believe it's already been one year," Ricky said.

"I know, but it's been the best year of my life," Annie, his girlfriend replied, kissing his cheek.

"Wish I could say the same," he joked, causing her to hit his arm, "hey, I'm joking, I wouldn't change a thing, you know I love you," he smiled and leaned in to kiss her when he was interrupted with buzzing coming from his pocket.

"Sorry," he said, taking out his phone and seeing it was a text from his mom.

Hey, Ricky, can you come home? We need to talk.

He sent a quick text back saying, "can it wait? I'm with Annie right now."

"Now, where were we," he reached into his pocket to put his phone away, but then it buzzed again.

He let out a groan and read the text. Not really. It's important.

He sighed and looked at Annie. He could tell that she knew something was happening.

"I'm really sorry, but my mom needs me home. Like now," the curly headed boy said, clearly annoyed.

"Are you sure you have to go now?" Annie whined, stretching the 'now'.

"Yea, I'm sorry, babe. She said she has to tell me something important."

Annie let out a breath, "It's okay, we can celebrate our anniversary another time," the girl reasoned, reaching out to hold to the boy's hand in front of her.

"Of course," Ricky widely smiled.

They made their way to Ricky's car, hand in hand.

He dropped Annie off at her house and he began to slightly panic as he got closer and closer to his house.

Did something happen with her? Did something happen to me? There had to be a reason why she needed me home now. She knows I was out with Annie and she wouldn't want to interrupt us, especially since it was our one year.

His thoughts were running endless in his head, until he reached home. During the drive he was very distracted, he was surprised he even made it home without getting in some sort of car crash.

He worked up the courage to get up out of his car and enter his house. He wiped the sweat off of the palm of his hands by wiping them on his jeans.

He turned the door knob and pushed the door open. He walked into his house and saw his mom with her face in her hands, sitting at the kitchen table.

"Mom?" He called out, worry filling his voice.

She jumped at the sound of his voice and looked up at him with a sad smile.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" He asked.

"Um," she started, unsure of how to get the words out of her mouth. Better to rip the bandaid off quickly, right? "You're moving back to Salt Lake and you're living with your dad," she spit out.

Ricky stood there speechless, unsure of how to process the news he just heard. "Oh."

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