Chapter Twenty Two - Part One

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Nini stood in front of her locker with her friends, chatting about their after school plans when Ej, Gina and Ricky approached them on their way to the cafeteria.

"Hey guys," Kourtney greeted them.

"Hi!" Gina exclaimed.

"What's up?" Ej asked.

"We were just talking about going to the diner after school," Carlos replied. He looked towards Ricky and saw that he was staring at the brunette girl who was trying to hide her blush. "You guys should come!"

Nini quickly turned her head to face Carlos and then turned to face Ricky, who did the same.

Ej and Gina looked at each other and slightly laughed at the interaction, "Sure, we'll be there," Gina responded.

"Great! See you then!" Carlos smiled. "Oh wait, are you guys going to the caf right now? You guys should sit at our table!"

"Carlos!" Nini whisper-yelled.

"What? We're all friends aren't we?" He sassed.

"Yea... I guess," Nini replied, looking towards Ricky to see his reaction to the offer.

"If you're not comfortable, we could find another table," he said.

"Um," she looked between the two groups and saw that everyone was looking in her direction, "why not."

Together, the group walked towards the cafeteria and everyone practically ran to a seat, leaving two empty seats beside each other.

Ricky and Nini, who were the ones walking behind the group, gave each other a look and smiled at one another before sitting down in the seats.

Ricky and Nini, who were the ones walking behind the group, gave each other a look and smiled at one another before sitting down in the seats

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