f o r t y - f i v e

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moomin_ hey y'all wanna hang out?

jeno.xx who are you and what have you done with renjun

marklee hold on

marklee i-is this-

marklee c h a r a c t e r d e v e l o p m e n t?

moomin_ okay nvm then

_.dolphin wait no we'd love to!!

pwark_ji ^

pwark_ji right marcus?

na.jaemin Who's Marcus

full.sun mork

pwark_ji marker

marklee yes let's go

full.sun go where tho

moomin_ y'all wanna have fun or just chill somewhere

_.dolphin can we have fun i wanna make memories with y'all and take pics!! (*∩ω∩)

pwark_ji ofc!! :D

jeno.xx laser tag?

na.jaemin Hell yeah

moomin_ all right lets go

full.sun wait today?

moomin_ duh today

pwark_ji where we meeting up?

_.dolphin my house cmon xxx xx x

full.sun ye lezz get it

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