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Renjun would be lying if he said he wasn't a bit nervous. He knows he's met Donghyuck before, heck they're friends at this point. Or are they? He doesn't even know.

It was almost 6pm, the time they were supposed to meet up. He was currently trying to figure out what to wear for their little date.

He didn't want to impress him or anything. He's going how he wants to and if Donghyuck has a problem with how he's dressed then fuck him. Renjun ain't changing himself for no man.

So he opted to a yellow hoodie and jeans. Maybe he looked a bit underdressed but at least that's better than going overdressed.

He felt his phone vibrate and checked who it was. It was the groupchat.


na.jaemin W-Wait arent Haechan and Renjun going on a-

na.jaemin D-Date?!

moomin_ yes now shut up i'm getting ready

He turned his phone off and stuffed it into his pocket. He grabbed his keys and wallet and left his house.  He closed the door and started walking to the cafe they were meeting up at.

It was a bit windy because it was fall. Which meant that the leaves were yellow, red, and orange in color. He occasionally stepped on some leaves on the ground causing a quiet crunch.

The cafe wasn't too far from his house. Huh. What a coincidence. He looked up at the small building. He opened the clear doors and took in the smell of coffee.

He looked around noticing that Donghyuck hadn't arrived yet. He sighed and sat down at a booth. He looked at the time and realized that it was 5:55pm, almost 6. So that meant the other should be here in a few minutes.

He opened instagram and scrolled through his home page. He laughed a little at a meme before continuing to scroll.

"Hmm. Whatchu laughing about?" Renjun heard a voice say from in front of him. "Oh. Donghyuck. When did you get here?" Renjun asked with a small awkward chuckle.

"Ah. Not long ago, just saw you laugh at something and that's all." Donghyuck said answering his question.

"Anyways are you hungry?" The younger asked. Renjun nodded his head. "Haven't eaten since lunch so."

"I'll order." Donghyuck offered. "Then I'll pay." Renjun told him. The other turned his head to him quickly. "What no? I will." The brown haired tried convincing him but Renjun wasn't going to change his mind.

"Nope." Renjun smiled as he booped the younger on his nose and handed him a 10 dollar bill. Said boy just pouted and gave up on trying to pay.

"So what shall thee want?" He asked the smaller. "Pumpkin Spice Latte gracias." Renjun told him as he got up to order.

Donghyuck walked up to the cashier who was smiling brightly. "Hello how may I help you- Oh Donghyuckie!" The cashier said smiling wilder.

"Hey Johnny." He smiled back. "I'll have 2 Medium Pumpkin Spice Lattes." Donghyuck said. He didn't really know what to get and his brain wasn't working right now due too nervousness.

"2 Pumpkin Spice Lattes coming right up!" Johnny said as he scribbled on 2 cups with a pen. "That'll be $5 thanks." Johnny said as Donghyuck handed him the money.

Donghyuck stood on the side to let the person behind him order. After a bit he heard someone call his name and took the 2 cups.

"Ooh 2 of them who are you here with?" The person that handed him the lattes asked. "That's none of your business Jaehyun." He replies sticking his tongue out at him.

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