s e v e n t y - s e v e n

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_.dolphin hey gORls wanna go to the mall

moomin_ i'm broke lol

marklee same

pwark_ji it's okay me and lele can pay

_.dolphin ^

na.jaemin hol on the babies payin what

na.jaemin @/jeno.xx bb aRE YOU HAERING THIS

jeno.xx lmao don't worry children we can pay

moomin_ i'm older than both of you

jeno.xx hush tiny

moomin_ say that again bitch

jeno.xx and if i do

moomin_ i'll fucking cut off your kneecaps and feed them to the seagulls at the beach piece by fucking piece

jeno.xx owo

moomin_ shut up furry

full.sun i think he WANTS to have his kneecaps fed to birds

moomin_ omg and look

moomin_ i give a fuck so bitch come here

jeno.xx oMg a tiNy mAn iS afTer mE

pwark_ji just step on him

moomin_ jisung i thought i could trust you

pwark_ji lmao no i can step on you too but i'm merciful so

moomin_ fuck you

pwark_ji no


full.sun who do i have to decapitate and throw the body parts in the river at the forest?

marklee are y'all sum kind of serial killers or smth

_.dolphin so...

_.dolphin no mall?

moomin_ hol up wait i wan free shtuff

full.sun same

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