n i n e t y - t w o

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_.dolphin fuck i just had an idea

_.dolphin gays with a bf let's go on a triple date

marklee rood

pwark_ji m0rk do you have a bf?

marklee no :((

full.sun lmao that's sad

moomin_ ^ right

moomin_ imagine being single

jeno.xx can't relate

jeno.xx must be sad to not give your s/o love and affection and to receive it back

marklee guys stop a tear left from eye

na.jaemin hol up wait mark don't cry :((

marklee nah just kidding y'all can go

marklee nah just kidding y'all can go

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full.sun i mean you can come if you want to :>

marklee naw i don't want to be a seventh wheel

jeno.xx lmao that'd be so sad

marklee literally everywhere i'd look i'd be reminded i'm single if i'm surrounded by all six of you

_.dolphin we'll just go to the cafe okay? nowhere fun

full.sun if we do we'll call you to come! :D

moomin_ ya we'll even tone down the couple stuff for you



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