n i n e t y

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Donghyuck didn't really have any pajamas. He usually just sleeps in comfortable clothes. So instead of pajama's he stuffed a pair of white sweatpants and a black t-shirt.

"I think that's alright." The boy said to himself before zipping up the backpack and throwing it over his shoulder. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a yellow shirt that was tucked. He then pulled his phone out to text Renjun.

Hun 🧸💕

baby i'm onw

Hun 🧸💕
alright love i'll see u soon uwu

He smiled at the text message and then turned off his phone to put back in his pocket.

He stepped out of the house and started walking to his boyfriends house. At this point he had memorized the way there since he goes over a lot.


"Hmm. Should I put this here to help keep this in place? What about the- OMG NOOO THE OTHER SIDE!" Renjun yelled as he was trying to make a little fort with his blankets.

But whenever he put one side up the other side falls. "Maybe this is a sign that I should give up.." He sighed.

"Wait no this is for Haechannie I need to do this!" The boy reminded himself. He wanted to make a fort so that him and Donghyuck could go in it and then watch some movies.

And perhaps a little cuddles and kisses.

Renjun hopes it's not just "a little", but he won't say that out loud.

"What if I use books! Those things are heavy as fuck." He yelled to himself as he ran off to his room to get some of his textbooks.

Once he came back with a pile of them he set them down on the floor. He had all kinds of things laid out.

Chairs, pillows, scissors, a ball of yarn, clothes pins, a stack of polaroid pictures, and a small moomin lamp. He was using a huge blanket so there would be a lot of space for them.

After trying, and succeeding, to put up the fort he grabbed the ball of yarn, the scissors, the clothes pins, and the polaroids. He measured the side of the 'wall' from inside the fort with the yarn.

When he found the right size he cut it off and then placed one end on the blanket and attached it with a clothes pin. Then he did the same thing with the others.

He customized the clothes pins himself. He was really bored and he just decided to do it. They looked good though and he loved them.

Then he grabbed the stack of polaroid pictures. He looked at the first one. It was a picture of Donghyuck smiling so hard his eyes were crescents. His pearly teeth were showing. Overall he looked stunning.

He smiled at it fondly before placing it on the string with a clothes pin.

He did the same with the rest of the pictures. All of them were either him, Donghyuck, or the both of them. He did the same thing with the other side of the fort wall.

Then he crawled out and walked towards a storage closet. He rummaged through everything until he found what he was looking for.

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