My story

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Danielle's pov:  "another day another hell" I mutter to myself as I throw my back-pack on my bed. I look down at my phone too see a message notification, its an unknown number. "Well that's interesting, that bitch said she'd leave me alone." I roll my eyes and get up to go brush out my hair. Tears and dirt aren't the easiest to brush out. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU RELAXING YOUR SHITS DOWNSTAIRS". I remember I left a book on the counter "great job dumbass" I whisper to myself as I run down the stairs.

"Sorry it was an accident I was using the bathroom" I say grabbing the book off the kitchen counter. "I swear to god I'm DONE WITH YOUR BULLSHIT, PACK YOUR SHIT RIGHT NOW."  "FOR WHERE" I scream back at her.  She ignored my question and went back too looking at her phone. I run upstairs while tears are running down my face.  I grab my backpack and pack the few clothing items I have. I grab the stuffed red bull on my bed, thats my only friend I got it from my great grandma when i was very little. After packing my stuff I try to find my silver saints with blurry eyes. Some people call them razors I call them my silver gift. I run to the bathroom lock the door behind me as i start cutting my left arm. I cut the top of my arm because its the only open spot I have left on my upper body. I cry as blood runs down my chest....blood all i see is blood. I quickly throw on a hoodie not caring about the blood on my body. I clean up my mess and grab my backpack time to find out where this crazy bitch is taking me. I get in the car and my mom is completely silent not a single word escaped her lips as she sat there with a straight face looking into her GPS. *time skip* shes been driving for 45 minutes we are in the middle of town. All of the sudden the car stops and swerves to a local gas station. "Get out and grab your stuff" she says in a deep sharp voice, I do as she says wondering where this is going. She leads me down a trail on green hills. we walked for about 5 minutes. I hear loud fast footsteps as I turn around. Shes running as fast as she can once she reaches the car she gets in and leaves. I'm frozen in shock.  I scream as she drives away "YOU CANT JUST LEAVE ME HERE" i try to run after her even though knowing that i couldn't catch up.

Danielle's side of the storyWhere stories live. Discover now