Who am I talking to?

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Jeffree: hey odd question do you know anyone named Shane?

Danielle: uh no why?

Jeffree: oh just wondering

Danielle: i mean ive met a shane but I dont really know him

Jeffree: oh i was just wondering because I was thinking of adopting, and my friend shane recently went to adopt and mentioned a Danielle

Danielle: ohh makes sense tell him i said hi and thank him for making me smile 😃

Jeffree: im so glad we are talking about the same shane😂

Thats when I heard jamie telling the other kids its time for lunch so I sent a goodbye to jeffree and went to go eat lunch. I would've ate lunch if I wasn't stopped by Victoria and her bitch squad. "Um why are you looking at me bitch" she says as I try to walk by her I ignore her and continue to walk toward the lunch room. Then I hit the cold ground face first I swear to god I'm going to kill that bitch. I slowly get up and dust myself off and walk to the restroom. Theres blood all over my face great. I turn on my favorite playlist and that when get away with murder came on. That's when it clicked. OH MY GOD IM TEXTING JEFFREE STAR. im mentally screaming I almost walk out of the bathroom but then I remember I'm still covered in blood. I wipe my face and touch up my makeup I sneak around to get to my room and change into a new cute outfit.
*My new outfit*

*My new outfit*

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