The Results

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I look back at the results to make sure it was correct.

Mom: Jane morris

Father: Jeffrey Lynn Steininger Jr.

I drop it and run downstairs tears running down my face. "Oh hun what happened? " Jeffree says hugging me. "L-look" I say leading him up the stairs to the ancestry DNA box. He looks trying to find the results, I can tell he found them once his eyes widen "i- uh- I'm going to go make some calls" He rushes out of the room faster than I've ever seen him run anywhere. About 5 minutes later I hear him yelling on the phone, "AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME? YOU BROUGHT SOME RANDOM MAN AROUND MY DAUGHTER AND TOLD HER HER FATHER DIDN'T WANT HER? ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW, I WOULD HAVE WANTED HER IF I KNEW SHE FUCKING EXISTED!" I start crying wondering how much of what she told me was real and how much was fake..

I hear Jeffree on the phone with lawyers, is he going to sue my mom? I texted the only person I knew could help...

DaNny😜: hey.. I know we haven't talked in a while, and I know I'm an asshole but an we talk?

ReRe💕: your not an asshole! Don't ever say that... I missed you danny... My silly goose

DaNny😜: do you mind if we call..?

ReRe💕: ofc not!

We call for a little until I yell "WHAT THE FU- AH GET AWAY" "DANNY ARE YOU ALRIGHT? DANNY?! "  "THERE'S A FACKING SPIdEr" "Really dan? " "Sorry Rebecca haha". We talk for a little more till I'm at ease, " Bye luv bug" "Bye my silly goose". Me and Rebecca have been best friends since the 2nd grade she always knows how to make me feel better. My mom forced us to stop talking saying stuff such as (your getting to close to her ect.) And we grew farther apart for about 5 months until we stopped talking all together. As I hang up I hear a loud crash and the whole house goes silent.

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