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8:00 am and I get abruptly waken up by my door being basically kicked down "GET UP ITS ADOPTION DAYYYYYY" Jamie (my favorite) the staff member yells wakeing me and Scarlett my roommate up. "FINALLY" I yell as I jump up to go hug Jamie. I run into the bathroom to start getting ready. I do a soft glam makeup look and curl my hair, I grab my clothes and get changed.

*my outfit and hair*

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*Scarletts outfit and hair*

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Scarlett is wearing a cute pink shimmery eyeshadow a red lip and straight hair

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Scarlett is wearing a cute pink shimmery eyeshadow a red lip and straight hair. I swear to god shes so adorable, shes been through so much and i just want to treat her right.. But shes straight and the men shes dated have changed her mind on dating. Poor girl.
After getting ready I tidy up my bed and read waiting to be called up for my first interview. A couple hours pass by and I've had only 2 interviews, mainly on the reason most people don't want older kids. That's when I look down at my phone. I see 1 unread message. I open it, its from a unknown number, "odd" I whisper to myself as I read it

Unknown: hey baby, cant wait till works over😘

Danielle: uh sorry think you have the wrong number xoxo

Unknown: oh MY god that's so embarrassing

Danielle: its alright 😂 im Danielle btw

Unknown: im jeffree 😂 thanks for being so understanding!

Danielle: np! And I swear I've met a jeffree before, anyways have a good day😁 and I hope you resent that message to who ever needed to read it xD

Unknown: alright haha see ya!

I shut my phone off as I slowly get up and stretch. "Destiny you have another interview"

"Alright on my way"! I reply as I speed walk to the front office. I open the door slowly to see a young gay couple I assume. "Hey I'm Danielle" I say while smiling "Hello! I'm shane and this is my boyfriend Ryland"

I wave and sit down in the empty chair directly infront of them. "So first question id like to ask about you is how old are you?" Ryland says softly smiling. Oh my god they don't know how old I am..they probably aren't going to want me. "Oh I'm 15" I say awkwardly. Oh god here we go again. They exchange looks and smile. Huh? Odd. "So next question" Shane says "how would you react to being on YouTube" "Oh are you two youtubers?" I say "and also I wouldn't mind being on YouTube I am thinking About starting my own channel" we all equally smile as I hug them and get up to leave due to the time limit we were given. I knew they weren't going to adopt me but they made my day. I look down to see another text from jeffree.

Danielle's side of the storyWhere stories live. Discover now