Ex's and o's

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It's been a week since I moved in with jeffree... And it's crazy! I just unpacked and set up my room.

*her room*

"Dinners here" I hear jeffree yell form downstairs

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"Dinners here" I hear jeffree yell form downstairs. I run down so fast I think I skipped a couple of steps. I come down the stairs to see subway on the counter, "so, I have a little surprise for you since you just turned 16" He said and trailed off as I ate my Sandwhich. "Which iss?" "I can't tell you or it wouldn't be a surprise" He says while laughing. "Pleassseeee" I say giving him puppy dog eyes, "that's no fair" He says while looking away. "I'm not giving in!" "Finneee, it better not be something crazy"

"That's my middle name" He smiles Cheekishly. We finish eating and we watch some Netflix "hey is this yours" He says while handing me a small phone. "Oh.. That my old old phone from years ago" I say while giggling. I turn it on and go through it, I saw one unread message and decide to read it.

Madison: hey.. Um I really miss you i know i fucked up, but can we please get passed that?

A single tear runs down my face as I read it, Madison the girl I gave my heart too and she just snapped it in half like it was nothing. I shut off the phone and put it back on the counter and grab some Ben&Jerry's. Jeffree notices my tears "what's wrong hun?" He says while looking at me concerned as I come back and hand him a bowl of ice cream. "Nothing... I just saw some old stuff it's nothing" I say while looking away. "Oh.. Alright, just know you can talk to me anytime alright?" "Alright" I say as I cuddle next to him, We both fell asleep cuddling.

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