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Well todays my birthday the one day of the year people actually decide to listen to what i have to say. I decided to invite some girls from my school to the park. Its been 2 days since I found out I was talking to jeffree star and i was honestly star-struck..litarally. I get up early this morning around 5 so i can do a special makeup look.

*This is my makeup, hair, nails, and dress*

After getting ready I run downstairs to eat breakfast quick so I'm not late

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After getting ready I run downstairs to eat breakfast quick so I'm not late. I arrive at the park on the bench..seems like im early That's odd I told everyone to meet me here at 10:30 its 10:45 maybe there just running late right?

*1 hour later*

Maybe something came up..they wouldn't just leave me right? I start crying but quickly tilt my head back so I don't ruin my makeup.

Danielle: I just got stood up on my birthday, no one came to my party😭😭

Jeffree✨: omg are you okay??

Danielle: im not sure what to do.. I normally don't have party's for this reason

Jeffree✨: where was your party supposed to be at?

Danielle: the park downtown near the library why?

Jeffree✨: on my way.

Danielle: huh?

*ten minutes later*

"I wonder what jeffree meant by on my way"..i look over to see a pink Tesla park and jeffree run out of it. Oh my god he actually cared? He runs up to me and hugs me "Oh hun are you alright?!" He looks at me and I dont know what to say. "I'm not sure..but I do know I'm better that your here" i say and sniffle, I look at Jeffrees outfit hes head to toe in designer wearing silver heels (car and heels not in pic below)

but I do know I'm better that your here" i say and sniffle, I look at Jeffrees outfit hes head to toe in designer wearing silver heels (car and heels not in pic below)

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."damn right" he says and hugs me again "im taking you shopping for your birthday" he says while smiling. "What about the head mistress?" I say while looking confused at him. "I already pre asked her she said it was alright"  "aw thank you..this means a lot so far your the only one who has said happy birthday to me" I say while holding back tears. He looks at me sadly "I wont let that happen ever again mark my words" he says as we get into the gorgeous car. We go to the mall and shop for a long time "my feet feel like they are gonna fall off but in the best way possible" I say laughing. He laughs with me as we walk to the car. "Thank you so much for all you did for me today this mean so SO much" I say as we pull back up to the adoption center. "Well we are not done yet" he says under his breath as I exit the car. I notice the car turns off and jeffree steps out and walks in with me. "You should probably get your stuff" he says beaming with joy. "Huh? Wait-" "I adopted you silly" he says looking like hes about to explode with happiness. "Y-you w-what I- oh- OH MY GOD" I say as tears run down my face i immediately jump into Jeffrees open arms.  After I had my moment I run upstairs as fast as I can to get the few items I own. On my way out I hug Scarlett and thank her for all she has done. I see Jamie and tell her the good news as well we all group hugged as I said my last goodbyes as I got into the tesla.

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