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After crying for about 20 minutes I decide to walk to the gas station I was originally ditched at. I look at the cashier unsure of what to say "Hey um I know this is odd but I'm pretty sure my mom just ditched me here...." The girl working the cashier looked about 19/20, and she was just about as shocked as I was. "Are you sure she left you?" No shit Sherlock I'm pretty sure what the word ditched means. "Ya I'm positive" I say looking straight at her. "I- uh- let me make a call real quick feel free to look around" I look around and grab some cheetos off of the shelf, i walk over to the cooler and grab a Red Bull.. Lord knows I'm going to need it. I walk back to the cashier and purchase the items and shove them into my backpack. About 5 minutes later a cop car pulls up to the gas station. One tall man with short light brown curly hair and is very muscler, and One (also pretty tall) Woman with long black hair put back into a sleek bun walk into the little shop. They talk to the cashier and i can feel their eyes on me. Judging? Probably. Its not something new, the woman walks up to me "Hey, whats your name?" "Uh Danielle.. Danielle Morris". She looks at me with puppy dog eyes, "how old are you Danielle?" "12" I reply softly but sternly. Her eyes widen as she stares at me she turns around and taps her partner on the shoulder. "Shes only twelve shes a minor" she whispers in his ear. He immediately turns to look at me. "Do you know your parents names? Or how to contact them?" "My mom left me here and said she didnt want me and my dad left when i was born" I say with a complete straight face. He looks at me the same way the woman did when I informed her about my age. He says something inaudible into his walkie-talkie, and the woman walks back up to me "Hey hun I need you to get in to the cop car" "oh- alright one moment" I walk back up to the cashier and thanked her for what she had did for me and climb into the back of the cop car.

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