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Welp here's chapter 2 people hope you enjoy 😁

Naruto pov

Once we get to the hospital some nurses rush me in as Kakashi-sensei expains what happened but once they turn the corner and my team can't see me they just huddle up and start talking about their nails. I grunt in pain and stay in a little ball.

After about 5 minutes they start walking off with me and right on time since Shizune and Tsunade hurry around the corner " Naruto !! What did you do now ?!?! " Tsunade yells as she hurries into the operation room with Shizune and the nurses she then starts to inject something into me that puts me to sleep in a matter of seconds.

When I wake up I'm in a room with Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke. Kakashi-sensei is the first to notice me " hey Naruto how are you feeling ?? " I smile soflty " ok I guess " " that's good, does anything hurt at all I can get a nurse for some pills if you want " Kakashi-sensei adds " no I'm ok, thank you though " " you sure ?? " Sensei ask to which I just smile and nod.

I look over at the open door and tense up a bit as I see the 2 nurses that I fear the most starting at me with a smirk. They then start to hurry off, most likely to the the thing " in fact I feel much better I think that I can go home now " I start to get up only to be pushed back down " oh no you don't Naruto, you're going to stay right there till the doctor says you can go. Do you understand ?? " I pout at Kakashi but nod nevertheless.

After a few minutes they walk in " hi there we need to check up on mr. Uzumaki do you guys mind stepping out for a bit ?? " ' please say yes please say yes, someone please stay with me !! ' " yea sure we'll just wait outside " Kakashi-sensei throws his close eyed smile and walks out with Sasuke who closes the door behind him.

The 2 nurses look over at me with a devilish smirk. One quickly grabs my arm while the other slaps her hand onto my mouth. The one grabbing my arm injects the teal color liquid into my inner elbow. Immediately the pain starts, I can feel it run up my arm, to my chest then it starts to spread throughout my body.

My yells get muffed by the hand on my mouth as they both just laugh quietly since they're waiting outside. Once I stop yelling they just look at me with disgusted written all over their faces " this is what you get you little peice of shit " the one who injected me grabs me by the hair and pulls on it tightly bringing my face close to hers " this is revenge for killing my husband " she then punches me in the gut hard leaving me gasping for air.

The second nurse just laughs a broken laugh " oh don't worry I'll only make the ' medication ' worse ok ?? Its my revenge for you killing my daughter you monster " she slams her fist into my side and I grunt in pain " you deserve this for everthing that you've done you peice of garbage " I flinch a little at what the first nurse says then they walk out.

Once outside the make up a lie saying that I might be in pain for a while because of the surgery. They come back in and I try to keep a smile on my face even though they can see right through me as I breath heavily. " do you need some medication Dobe ?? " " Im fine thanks "

Tsunade suddenly walks in with Shizune and an ANBU " Naruto you're gonna have to stay here for 3 days to fully recover and to make sure you dont escape I brought an ANBU just for you ok ?? " I pout but nod " ok visiting hours are almost up you 2 should go home " " hai " they say in union.

After 4 hours its just me and the ANBU they keep on coming every hour to give me my ' medication ' so im escaping. I stand up and the ANBU snaps his head over at me " calm down geez, I'm just going to the bathroom " I roll my eyes and walk in with a smirk.

I use it then I send a clone that I left here on the 3rd time that they came in. Luckily no one noticed. Once he walks out I jump out of the window and make my way home. But as always when I get there, its a mess. Windows and plates are broken, chairs are thrown, table is flipped, words like ' die ' ' monster ' ' demon ' and ' kill yourself ' are carved into my walls, my bed is flipped along with my bed sheets, pillows and clothes thrown all over the floor some of it even torn, and the little furniture I have is either broken or trown somewhere in the room. I sigh and make 9 shadow clones.

We clean up and manage to get the words out but if you look real carfully you can still see them. I take a quick shower then brush my teeth. I put on my boxers and a black shirt with an Uzumaki clan symbol on the back. I lay down in bed and start to drift off to sleep only to wake to a loud bang. ' oh no please no '

Thats the end of this chapter hope you enjoyed

926 words

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