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Waazap !! How's it going ?? Sorry for not updating in a while I have to take care of my baby brother 😓

Naruto pov

I smile and just stare at their names for a while " Naruto ?? " I jump and squeak then I look back at Kakashi-sensei " Kakashi, what are you doing here ?? " " I can ask you the same thing Naru " he smiles softly and walks beside me.

He then kneels down and puts a dark blue and an orange rose down, all the while I stare at him. He then looks over at me and I blush a bit snapping my head down to my lap.

" How long have you known ?? " I sigh " since I was 5. I'm not as dumb as everyone thinks debatto, I mean he looks like me except for the whiskers " I reach up and touch my cheek soflty " and it wasn't that hard to figure out who was the past jinjuriki " " yes, I suppose the nine-tails had something to do with this, correct ?? " " yea I guess "

" Is this why you've been all sad and quiet today Naruto ?? " I keep quiet for a couple of seconds then my eyes start to get watery " i-if I was n-never born th-then they would s-s-still be he-here " I sniff and Kakashi gives me a tight side hug.

" That's not true Naru " he starts running his fingers though my hair, we turn facing eachother and I grip onto his jacket tightly " no one could have seen what was going to happen that day Naruto " " they're d-dead because of m-me " " no, no, no Naruto they're not it's n- " I cut him off by yelling into his chest " THEY'RE DEAD BECAUSE OF ME !! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT ?? IT'S ALL MY F-FA-ult " " Naruto "

He hugs me tighter and I just cry my eyes out onto him. The whole time he just rocks me back and forth while whispering calming nothings into my ear. He suddently kisses the top of my head " shh, its ok, I got you Naru " I sniff and grab his jacket tighter.

" Th-thank y-you " " your welcome, I know that I'm not the best sensei, but, I'll always be here if you need me. Always " I smile soflty and nod. I then pull away and start wiping at my eyes while sniffing and trying to get my breathing under control.

" C-can I have some alone time sensei ?? " " yea of course Naruto " he ruffles up my hair before he leaves once he's gone I just stay there staring at their names till it gets dark.

Once I get home I groan and collapse onto my bed and start drifting off ' Narutooo ' ' hmm ?? ' ' go get something to eat first will you ?? ' ' mm ' buuut I just end up falling asleep.

30 minutes later I wake up when I feel my hair getting pulled on hard " o-ow !! " " shut up !! " for the next 2 1/2 hours I'm just tied down to my bed while the villagers beat me and carve words onto my stomach, sides, arms, legs and back.

When they leave I untie myself and go take a shower. I end up staying in there longer then I thought just sitting under the freezing water, since I'm not allowed any hot water, hugging my knees tightly towards my chest. I'm not even crying, just sitting there emotionless ' why ?? Why am i such a, a FUCK UP ?!?! '

I slowly stand up and get ready, I do my bed then drag my feet towards the bridge that we always meet up at. ' Kakashi-sensei's here so that means I'm late again, great ' I roll my eyes at myself.

" YOU'RE LATE AGAIN NARUTO !! " " thanks for stating the oviouse captin forehead " I put my hand up in a saluting manner and they all stare at me weirdly " what ?? " " are, are you ok Naruto ?? " Kakashi-sensei ask " mhmm " " you sure ?? " he adds " yup " " o-okay then let's get going "

" What can I do anyways, run away ?? "

' Can I ?? Run away ?? '

Hey guys so here's another chapter. Hope you enjoy xD

688 words

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