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Hey guys !! My tummy feels better then it did earlier so I'm writting this chapter for you guys at 1 AM. Hope you enjoy !!

Naruto pov

" Naruto here has been calling me that for a while now " Ruru says " I see " I look over at Kakashi-sensei " shouldnt we get going sensei ?? Granny Tsunade is going to get mad if were any later. "

' Please lets just go before Iruka-sensei starts asking questions again ' " the Dobe has a point " ' THANK YOU SASUKE !! ' " yes I sup- " Iruka-sensei cuts him off.

" Oh no you don't Naruto, don't try to wiggle your way outta this one " I tense up again and look over at him " but were gonna be late !! " " what. happened " he says sternly making me that much more nervous.

" Nothing really !! We were training yesturday and Sasuke punched me !! " " yea, on the other side " ' STUPID SASUKE !! ' " Naruto Uzumaki. what. happened " I look over at Iruka-sensei and get real queasy.

I bend over and vomit on the ground, they just move out of the way while I empty my already empty stomach. " Eww Naruto you're disgusting !! " Sakura yells out. Once I finish I just wipe my mouth " you ok Naruto ?? " I look up at Kakashi-sensei and nod.

" If you don't feel good you should go back home, you did just get out of a surgery " " surgery ?!?! " " oh did no one tell you Iruka ?? " " tell me what ?!?! " " Naruto had to go into surgery yesturday because he ripped his liver during traning " " WHAT ?!?! "

" It's ok though I-I'm fine !! " " go home right now !! " Iruka-sensei points back home and I shake my head " no !! " " Naruto. Now " I just shake my head again and hide behind Kakashi-sensei.

After our littler bickering we walk to the Hokage tower while Ruru goes to the academy. Once we arrive Tsunade stares into my soul making me shiver. She has her hands intertwined infront of her mouth just staring at me.

" How ?? " is all she says " how what ?? " " I left a highly trained ANBU there, one of my best ones too, with you how did you escape ?? " I rub the back of my head and laugh nervously " umm .... a shadow clone " " of course you did "

She sighs and leans back into her chair. " Ok so today you guys are just gonna be doing some chores the first one is cleaning the Hokage faces, who wants the 1st Hokage ?? " Sakura shrugs and raises her hand " me I guess " " ok, 2nd ?? " " hn " is all Sasuke says " 3rd ?? " " I'll take it I guess " " ok and that leaves you with the 4th one Naruto. Go and once you're done come get your second chore " " hai " we then walk off.

Once we get there we use the little wooden platform to lift ourselves and start cleaning. I stare into my dads eye and smile softly ' can you see me dad ?? Im right here. Are you proud of me ?? Of course not, look at how weak and pathetic I am. Getting beaten by villagers who don't even know what the concept of chakra is. Pathetic, I know, I'm sorry dad you have to see all of this. I know that this isn't what you wanted but its what you got. A weakling. A loser. A pathetic excuse. A monster. A demon. Im sorry for not being what you wanted me to be, IM NOT EVEN CLOSE DAMMIT !! '

I hold back my tears and continue cleaning once we're done we put the stuff away and walk back to the Hokage tower. When we get there Kakashi-sensei goes to knock on the door but I just slam it open.

" Naruto how many times do I have to tell you to knock ?!?! " I just smile at her and she sighs mumbling out a small ' whatever ' " ok now you have to find a lost cat " she holds up a picture of the cat. Its black with white on its stomach, paws, tips of the tail and ears, the tip of its nose and white looking angry eyebrows.

Sakura gushes at the picture, squealing and repeating ' cute ' over and over again. We start walking off, I just put my hands in my pocket and keep quiet. I don't feel like doing anything today and to be honest I'm grateful that all we have are chores I'm still sore and everything hurts so badly I'm impressed that I can even stand right now.

As we walk through the village looking for the cat I keep my head down and try to ignore the stares and words. Key word TRY. When you try to ignore somthing as bad as I am right now it only makes you realise it that much more.

" you ok Naruto ?? You're really quiet today " I smile softly at Kakashi-sensei " yea just thinking " he nods but continues to stare at me " Naruto, thinking ?? No wonder I smelt smoke right Sasuke-kun ?? " Sasuke just rolls his eyes and I look back at the floor " what can I do anyway, run away ?? " those words play in my head over and over again while we look for the cat.

Hey guys whats up ?? So what do think should I continue ?? Please tell me because I dont know

874 words

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