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Heey there !! Sorry for the long wait 😅 here's another one anyway

Naruto pov

' Of course I can't, what am I thinking ?? I'm the villages weapon they won't let me leave and if I somehow do, the village elders will have my head '

I sigh softly and we start walking off to training ground 7. Once there Kakashi turns and gives us his close eyed smile. " Ok so today we're going to be doing somthing different ok ?? " " different how sensei ?? " " if you let him finish Sakura then you would know "

Everyone looks at me again then back at Kakashi-sensei " right anyway Sasuke and Sakura will be sparing today " Sakura squeals and starts saying something about giving it her all and how lucky she was while Sasuke yells out " WHAT ?!?! " " yup, so I want you guys to go all out, ok ?? "

He smiles at us then starts walking off " c'mon Naruto let's go " " o-oh um ok " I hurry over and we go all the way across the field " umm Kakashi ?? " yes Naru ?? " " does this have somthing to do with yesturday ?? " I look over at Sasuke and Sakura to see them fighting ' wow she's still awake ' Kurama then starts laughing.

" Yes it does Naruto, are you ok ?? What happened after I left hmm ?? " " well nothing really I just sat there till dark then I went home " " Ok and why have you been late for 2 days in a row hmm ?? " I tense up a little " w-well I just umm slept in i-is all "

" Oh ok, then, why don't I believe you Naruto ?? " I just look down at the ground " can we just spare ?? " he hesitates but answers " ok, ok then "

We get into out stances then launch at eachother. He starts off with a punch and I don't have enough time to dodge. He hits me on my shoulder and I stumble back a bit.

We continue to fight but I only manage to hit him 4 times before we have to stop. We walk over to Sasuke who's glaring at us and Sakura who's passed out.

" Ok then you guys can have the rest of the d- " Sasuke interrupts him " Naruto. Let's spare " " um o-kay ?? " we walk off and spare till the sun is about to set " hey Sasuke !! Wanna come see something cool with me ?? " I smirk at him and he raises a brow " Ok ?? "

" C'mon teme !! " I grab his hand and start running off with him " h-hey !! " we run over to my secret spot.

It's a cliff with a waterfall on the bottom is a river and surrounding the river is a bunch of different kinds of flowers with all kinds of colors and trees.

It's a cliff with a waterfall on the bottom is a river and surrounding the river is a bunch of different kinds of flowers with all kinds of colors and trees

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" W-wow " I smile and look over at Sasuke for a second " yea, I know " " how did you find this place ?? " " I just ran into it one time when I was younger and it just became my safe place really " I shrug " so you can't tell anyone about this place ok ?? You can come if you want though "

I sit down on a rock then Sasuke sits down besides me. We keep quiet and watch the sunset for a while. " hey Sasuke " " hn ?? " I push him and he falls down into the river I giggle then jump in.

" WHAT THE HELL DOBE ?!?! " I laugh and he splashes me " TEME " we laugh together and continue our splashing war. " Ok ok stop I can't breath Naruto !! " I stop and he coughs a bit.

I smile at him and we swim around till it gets dark. We get out and make a fire to dry off, Sasuke takes off his clothes and I stay in them knowing I still have some cuts.

" Naruto, you're not gonna take off your clothes you're gonna get sick " " I don't get sick " he rolls his eyes " whatever Dobe " once we dry off or Sasuke does I'm still damped we take out the fire.

" C'mon teme " I grab his wrist and start running off with him laughing. We just run through the field of flowers for a while. I turn on my heel and just fall to the floor laughing a bit.

Sasuke sits down besides me then I sit up and turn to face him " now what Naruto ?? " " hmm " I look around a bit then I start to pick differant kinds of flowers and I weave them together making a flower crown. I put it on then I put I flower in my mouth.


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I look over at Sasuke and he's trying to not look at me for some reason " you ok teme ?? " " y-yea, yea I'm ok " I raise a brow but ignore it " we should get going Dobe it's getting late and we need a shower " " ok " we get up and start walking home together.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed the chapter and the pics !!

838 words

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