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Hey guys !! My fat ass is eating Hot Cheetos at 11:09 pm xD .... then I complain that I can't lose weight 😂😂

Naruto pov

We stop to make camp but me and Sasuke get paired together to pick up sticks again.

I grab another branch off of the ground and turn towards him " I think this is enough Sasuke "

He's just stareing ahead frozen. I raise a brow and look to the side to see a pack of angry foxes ' AWWE KITS !! ' I sweat drop ' thoses are fully grown foxes, not kits ' ' fuck off those are babies, understood ?? Yes ?? Ok then '


I roll my eyes at Kura and slowly walk over towards Sasuke. I start whispering " don't make any sudden moves or noises " " ok "

I stare into their eyes and very slowly start backing up with Sasuke " we're in their territory " he just nods.

They start growling at us " what if we use kunei's?  " ' DON'T YOU DARE UCHIHA !! ' " no "

I step on a stick making a loud snapping noise. I wince and they start running towards us. My eyes widen " r-run, RUN !! "

We run off " fuckfuckfuckfuck " I look back for a second then turn back around " up in the trees Sasuke !! " I see him jump up but as I go to jump one of them bites my leg.

" Ah !! " I fall to the floor as they all start biting me. " NARUTO !! " I start fighting back but there's to many " ngh .... AH !! " ' KIT !! ' " HOLD ON I'M GOING TO GO GET KAKASHI !! "

Once I know he's far enough I growl loudly then I make my fox ears pop out at the top of my head along with my 9 fluffy tails. My ears and tails are orange with white tips.

I continue to growl and they all slowly back up while whimpering and their head down slightly. I bark loudly and stand up straight.

They all suddenly run off making me smirk. I put my ears and tails away then my eyes roll to the back of my head.

I feel myself fall forward then I face plant into the floor I groan a little then everything goes black.

When I wake up I'm being carried by Kakashi. I groan and sit up a bit while grabbing my head.

" Naruto are you ok ?!?! " I wince " I would be if you were to shut up Sakura " I groan again " my head, what the fuck ?? "


" Are you ok Naruto ?? " " what happened ?? " " the foxes attacked you, I went to get Kakashi but when we came back you where on the ground passed out, have been for 2 days where almost at Konoha " " mm "

' Almost to the village ?? That's good ' I look up at Sasuke to see that he looks a little worried. I smile at him " I'm ok Sasuke, my head is the only thing that hurts really "

' That seemed to calm him down a bit atleast ' ' GAY~ ' ' FUCK OFF YOU STUPID FOX !! ' ' heh ' " can you walk Naru ?? " " yea I think so "

I climb off of him and start limping a little " yea it's just numb " " ok that's good atleast " I nod " yea .... AH !! I TICKLES NOW !! " me and Kakashi laugh a little.

For a whole minute I laugh with every step I take till I have blood in my foot again. " Once we get there can you treat us to ramen sensei ?? " I look up at him and he sighs " yes Naruto I can treat you guys to ramen once we get there "

" YES !! " I jump up into the air and punch it. " C'mon well hurry up guys I'm starving !! " " Naruto you're always hungry " Sakura says " for ramen !! " I hear Kakashi chuckle making me giggle a bit.

" Well he was out for 2 days almost " " yea see it's not my fault Sakura " " well when you put it like that Sasuke-kun, you're right. LET'S HURRY THEN !! " " YEAH !! "

' Tonight .... I'm leaving tonight ' I smile soflty and continue walking.

Hey guys heres another chapter love you gay babies 😗

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2020 ⏰

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