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Hey there babes ;) here's the next chapter. P.s. can anyone recommend me some good bakudeku books plz xD thx ❤

Naruto pov

As we walk back home we talk about random things, mostly training though. " SASUKE-KUUUN !! " I hear him grumble a bit but we still look over at Sakura " hn " " Sasuke-kun do you want to go get food together ?!?! " " no "

Sakura pushes me out of the way and I stumble a bit. I watch as she latches onto Sasuke's arm and pracatly yells in his ear " Oh c'mon Sasuke-kun I promise that we'll have lots of fun together AND we can go anywhere you want to eat !! "

" I said no " he then sneezes and she gasp loudly " Oh my kami-sama !! Sasuke-kun you're sick !! " " dammit " I raise a brow at him for a second " sorry Sasuke "

Sakura snaps her head towards me " what do you mean sorry ?? " " I pushed him into a river " " you did WHAT NOW ?!?! " " it's fine Dobe, for 1 I knew it was coming and 2 I had fun " he looks away a bit but I swear he's blushing.

I smile wide " I had fun too Sasuke " " what are you guys talking about ?? " I look over at Sakura who has a brow raised at Sasuke " nothing " she then looks over at me and I giggle a bit.

" Anyway, I should get going I'm still wet, bye Sasuke, bye Sakura !! " I start running off while waving and looking back at them " DON'T BE LATE TOMMAROW NARUTO-BAKA !! " " HAI !! "

Once I get home I shower, dry myself, put lotion on then my pijamas. I then walk back in and brush my teeth. I sit down on the window ledge and sigh staring at me dads head ' mom, dad '

I frown and just stare at him imagining what it would've been like if they had survived that day or if I was never born, till my alarm rings. I go over and change into my clothes then walk out.

" Oh you're on time today Naruto " I look up at Sakura and just smile. I then look over at Sasuke and he looks terrible. His nose is all pink and he looks like he has a high fever, not to mention he looks even paler then usual.

I walk up to him and put my forehead against his for a second before pulling away and whispering " you're really hot Sasuke " " WHAT THE HELL NARUTO ?!?! " " Naruto ?? " his voice is all raspy too. He then starts coughing violently.

I reach up and put my hand to his forehead and start passing him some of Kurama' s chakra to heal him. " What the hell are you doing baka ?!?! " " he's sick because of me, healing him is the only way to make it up to him "

A minute later the chakra sinks back into me and I smile at him " better ?? " he nods " how did you heal me ?? " " the 9-tails chakra, duh " " hn " I rub the back of my neck and laugh nervously " sorry, debatto " " whatever Dobe, its fine "

" Yo " we look over at Kakashi-sensei and Sakura yells at him saying that he's late again. " ne, ne I'm sorry, I got got lost on the path of life " he throws us his close eyed smile.

" Ok then today we have a B-ranked mission so I want you all to go pack up for a couple of days. Meet up at the front gate in 30 minutes. " he then disappears in a puff of smoke.

I walk home and pack some clothes and all of my weapons. Which means I had to clean the whole place to find them all, such a drag.

Once I get to the front gate Sasuke and Sakura are already there. I smile at them " hey debatto !! " " shut up Naruto you're to loud " ' she should take her own advice ' ' Kurama ' I chuckle inwardly ' just saying, if anything she's even louder then you are and more annoying too ' I raise a brow ' you think I'm annoying ?? ' ' sometimes, yes ' ' wow, ok then you stupid fox ' Kurama chuckles then goes back to sleep and I sweat drop ' really ?? You just woke up ' ' shut up will you '

I roll my eyes and sit down on the floor in the shade. After 15 minutes I lay back and close my eyes ' peaceful ' I smile softly at myself and ignore Sasuke and Sakura just listening to the birds chirping till Kakashi shows up.

Hey babies whats up :3 here's another chapter hope you enjoy !!

755 words

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