Miserable Beginnings

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My eyes burnt as sunlight flooded into my room, filling every possible crevice. My eyes snapped shut, trying to protect themselves from the evil light.


The voice of a familiar skeleton was like punches to my sleepy brain, and I winced as I tried to wake myself up.

"How the hell did you get into my house?"


I rubbed my face, taking a large gulp of the cold water that was an arms reach away.

"You're right, Paps. Thanks for actually waking me up."


Papyrus left the room, presumably leaving the house the same way he entered it - through the window.

I got up and worked through my routine I frowned when I saw that my clothes had somehow wrinkled while sitting on the radiator, but decided not to worry too much about it.

When I went downstairs, I noticed that Papyrus wasn't the only skeleton in the house. His brother was laid on my sofa, seemingly fast asleep - but I knew better.

Being as quiet as I could be, I tiptoed over to him and leaned over him. I clapped my hands as loud as possible.

Sans cracked open one eye and grinned.

"mornin' (y/n). what's up?"

I huffed dramatically. "Why can't I make you jump? You're like, unscareable."

"i'm pretty sure that ain't a word."

"I think it is."

Sans shrugged. "whatever floats ya boat, kid. you up to goin' to grillby's for breakfast?"

"Hell yeah." I grinned at him. "I'm paying this time."

"you aren't."

"I bloody well am."

Sans watched in amusement as I struggled to do up the laces on my converses, occasionally snickering to himself.

Once I'd conquered the struggle of my laces, we left my house and headed towards Grillby's.

The flame monster gave us a little wave as we sat down at the bar.

"The usual?" he asked, pushing his glasses up his nose.

We nodded, giving him a smile. He sighed and retreated into the kitchen.

"didya get that paper marked?"

"I did, and I got an A." I sat up a little straighter, an unusual sense of pride bubbling within me.

"nice one," Sans said, clapping me on the back. "knew you could do it."

"I think it was worth all of those late nights," I replied.

"What was worth late nights?"

I jumped as Grillby set two plates in front of us. Upon seeing my look of confusion as to how the hell he'd cooked (F/M) so fast, he said, "I had spare from yesterday so I kept it in the fridge."


"So, come on then. Why were you up so late?" He pulled a chair from under the counter and sat down, folding his arms.

"I had a paper due, but my moronic self decided to start the paper a few days before it was due. I'm pretty sure that I killed my sleep schedule so badly that hallucinations didn't even try and get me."

They both gave me a worried look.

"You're going to die from sleep deprivation if you keep this up," Grillby said, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Nah, I'll be fine." I forced a grin onto my face.

"i'm pretty sure that humans need more sleep then you got," Sans added.

"Loads of people do all nighters because of papers and other crap like that, I'll be fine." I repeated the last phrase a little more forcefully, trying to convince the two monsters - and, in a way, myself.

Sans shrugged, taking a swig from the nearest ketchup bottle. "okay, kid."

The subject changed, and eventually we all fell silent as a Mettaton show came on TV.

"Can't believe he got so famous so soon," Grillby commented.

I chuckled. "Says you. This place made it onto the top five food places in town."

"they've got ya there, grillbz," Sans said, laughing.

Grillby bristled slightly, his flames crackling. "Damnit."

Sans and I burst out with laughter. Grillby watched, unamused, as tears began to roll down my face.

"Oh dear god," I said once I'd calmed down enough to speak. "I need to go wash my face, be back in a minute."

I got up a retreated into the bathroom, still plagued by the occasional giggle.

I washed my face with water, erasing any tear marks. Water dripped off my face as I stared into the mirror.

Something wasn't right.

I could see a face in the mirror, and it sure as hell wasn't mine.

The face itself was extremely hard to see, but I could see the eyes just fine. They were dark, with eyelights like Sans had. One eye was slanted and a crack led up to the top of being's head. Another crack connected its mouth to its other eye.

I whirled around and scanned the bathroom, but saw nothing. Turning back to the mirror, the face was still there.

The mouth moved, and I realised that it was trying to speak to me. I couldn't hear a word it said, but I could see the words floating around in my head.

It was written in a bunch of bizarre symbols made up of skulls and hand signals and other weird symbols that I didn't see very often.

"I can't understand you," I said quietly, "what are you trying to say?"

The words wrote themselves in my head once more, and I resisted the urge to sigh.

"Whatever you're saying, it isn't legible. I don't speak whatever language you speak." I didn't want to offend whoever it was, but my patience was beginning to wear thin.

This is probably what I get for not sleeping properly. Guess Sans and Grillby were right.

The being put a skeletal looking hand to their forehead, shaking their head. Then, the being made a bunch of fluid gestures with their hands over and over again.

That I understood.

They were signing 'hello' to me.

Smiling, I signed back.

"So you speak sign language," I mused, "interesting."

The being clapped their hands together, delighted that I could understand. They began to sign again, more frantic this time.

"Help," the being signed.

"How do I help you?" I asked, not bothering to sign.

The being froze, and its eyelights fixed themselves on the door.

"hey, (y/n), you alright in there?"

I looked back at the strange being and they put a finger to their mouth. I nodded, signing, "I won't tell him."

"I"m fine," I said aloud, "I was just trying to get an eyelash out of my eye."

"must've been a really stubborn eyelash," Sans said, "you coming? you promised alphys you would let her study your SOUL today."

"Goddamnit, I forgot about that."


Hello my fellow sinners! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, and thank you to my best friend Jay for helping me get it finished so everyone can read it!

~ Gravity

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