What The Hell I'm In Hell

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The Void was extremely cold, with a biting wind that made my SOUL quiver. The wind whipped at my cheeks, making them sting as though I was being slapped.

I pulled my thin jacket closer, squinting into the darkness.

"Hello?" My voice was whisked away by the wind and taken to god knows where.

Upon receiving no reply, I decided to wander around and find a way out.

While I wandered around, I realised that I hadn't even doubted whether or not I was actually in the Void.

Well, how many other places are meant to be like this? C'mon, (Y/N), you can be dense at times.

A loud snarling noise brought me out of my head, and I froze in place.

In front of me was a demented looking creature that flickered like a corrupted computer file.

It was tall and looked like a chimera from Greek myths. Its tongue lolled out of its mouth and its teeth glinted like daggers.

I took many hurried steps backwards, but the creature closed the gap between us before I could blink.

Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god -

Turning on my heel, I ran away from the creature, praying that something would take me out of harm's way.

As if answering my prayers, a pair of ginormous skeletal hands scooped me up and away from the monster.

"Be gone, foul creature!" boomed a deep voice from somewhere above. The creature chasing me stopped, huffing. It turned around and trotted off, its head down.

I slid away from the large holes in the palms of the hands that were cradling me like a small child.

"Who're you?" I asked the air around me.

"You don't remember my name?" The deep voice wasn't as loud now; it was gentle and pleasant to listen to. "That's a shame. I was rather hoping that you would remember."


"Because we were extremely close." The stranger paused. "You should be safe here."

The hands lowered me down to the ground, gently placing me on my feet.

In front of me was the strange being I kept seeing in reflections, except he looked a bit more opaque.

"You didn't answer my question," I said bluntly.

He sighed. "I see you haven't changed in the slightest," he muttered, "I'm Gaster, the former Royal Scientist. I fell into one of my own creations, which sent me here."

"Which creation?"

"The CORE."

"Oh shit."


We stood in silence for a few awkward moments, then I got bored and decided to speak up.

"Why do I feel like I know you?" I asked.

Gaster tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

"Like, I feel like I've known you for a hella long time, but I don't know why. It's weird and...comforting." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Like I'm with someone I love."

"That's because you did know me for a long time. I can't tell you yet, because it's frankly weird. But, one day, you'll be prepared for the high levels of weirdness."

I folded my arms. "Are you sure? I'm pretty sure it can't be that weird."

"Oh it is, trust me."

"And why is it so weird?"

"Because it was unexpected for everyone, especially us."

I huffed, trying to work it out. Different ideas whirred around my mind and my eyes widened.

"Did we...?"

"If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, which you probably are, yes, we did."

"Oh." My face turned bright red and I looked at my shoes, finding them extremely interesting. I felt a hand on my shoulder and forced myself to look up.

"Don't worry," Gaster said gently, "there is nothing to be embarrassed about."

"Don't you feel hurt?" I questioned.

He shook his head. "No, I do not because I know you didn't choose to forget. It was my idiocy that led to it. For know, there are more pressing matters."

"And what're they?"

"You need to go back home. You aren't from this time. You fell into the CORE with me and got sent forwards in time instead of to the Void." He suddenly paused. "Who's the current Royal Scientist?"

"It's Alphys," I said.

"Alphys?" Gaster repeated, "oh I knew she would take over. Tell Alphys that you need to create a time machine. I will help you in telling her what you need to do."

"A time machine? Like in Doctor Who or Back to the Future?" I was like an excited child, completely ignoring the fact that I was probably going to be the one using the time machine.

"If that is what you humans know, then yes. But it will be better because it would've been made by Alphys," Gaster said in a smug tone.

"Very pompous when it comes to science, I see," I commented.

"Not pompous, my dear, I just know how marvellous my science work is."

"Well, if you won't acknowledge it, who the hell will?"

"Well said, (Y/N), well said."

~ ~ ~

Reality was a lot warmer than the Void.

As soon as I was awake and fully coherent, I got dressed and took a taxi to Alphys' lab.

"(Y/N), w-what're you doing here so early?" asked the yellow lizard monster, yawning.

I decided to bypass the flowery explanation and cut to the chase. "I need you to help me build a time machine."

"What?" Alphys looked alarmed. "Why?"

"I need to go back in time, about - " I looked at the window and read what Gaster was signing " - to just after the First Human fell into the Underground."

Alphys gave me a confused look. "W-Why then specifically?"

"Because I'm originally from that time, I just got sent to this time," I explained. "Do you remember Doctor Gaster?"

Her face paled. "How do you know that name?" she whispered, mortified.

"He's in the Void, and I've been talking to him."

Alphys put her head in her hands and took a deep breath.

"So that's what the goo is," she mumbled, "I-I should've known."

I put a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to reassure her. "Hey, don't beat yourself up. If it helps, Gaster was really pleased to hear that you'd become the Royal Scientist."

"I used to to really look up to him," Alphys sniffled, "I don't remember much, but near the end I remember someone began to go out with him...that must've been you."

"It was," I said, a red tint appearing on my cheeks. "Lets just forget about that detail for now, okay? I can relay whatever Gaster says for you."

"A-Alright. Lets get started."

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