I Should've Stayed In Bed

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I didn't expect it to be insanely difficult to tell Alphys what Gaster was saying without screwing up.

It turns out that Alphys began worrying about the effects of the time travel machine before we'd even finished drawing it up.

"But what about the displacement of air?" she babbled, "where would it go? Would it cause a rip or would it just make a little pop?"

"Bloody hell, Alphys, stop worrying!" Gaster signed furiously, the weird font typing itself in my head as he mouthed what he was signing.

"Erm, Alphys? Gaster's telling you to stop worrying, and I honestly have to second him with this one."

"S-Sorry, I just don't know how this will work," the lizard confessed, wringing her hands. "D-Does Dr Gaster know?"

Turning to the window again, I said, "G, is there a way you can speak without the weird font and the signing?"

"And how do you propose I do that?"

"With less salt, probably."

Alphys snickered. "Funny, you said something like that when you two first met."

"Alphys I swear to god, if you tell (Y/N) anything embarrassing I will tell them what you were like when you first met Undyne!"

The threat echoed around the room, and Alphys' face paled.

"You wouldn't dare," she replied.

"Oh I would."

I raised an eyebrow. "Is there something I should know?"

Both scientists shook their heads, protesting quietly.

"Alright, then I propose that we try and finish the blueprints for this thing."

Alphys nodded, determination shining in her eyes. "Y-Yes, lets finish them!"

With Gaster finally being able to communicate properly, we set to work, more invigorated than ever. Sure, I had no idea what the two scientists were saying sometimes but I tried my hardest.

Alphys found it slightly strange that she could hear Gaster but not see him, and I jokingly assured her that she wasn't missing much, sending Gaster a secret wink to let him know I was kidding.

"You need to put a wheel there," Gaster said, pointing to one of the panels Alphys had hastily sketched with his pencil.


"It'll help balance everything out."

The lizard monster narrowed her eyes. "Are you sure? I-I think if a wheel should go anywhere, it should go there." She pointed to a different panel.

"No, that would completely throw off the centre of gravity, Alphys, you should know that." Gaster's voice was sharp, but Alphys stood her ground.

"No it wouldn't."

"It would."

"It wouldn't if you balanced it out by putting a lever on the opposite panel."

Gaster opened his mouth to speak, raised his hand, then closed his mouth, furrowing his eyebrows. (Does he even have proper eyebrows?)

I nudged Alphys, giggling. "You've got him there. He's at a loss for words."

Alphys did a little victory dance around the lab before scribbling something down on the blueprints.

"Hey, Alphys?"


"Why were you so shocked that I knew Gaster?"

"Well...you know he's in the V-Void, right? Monsters that go into the Void are erased from history - and from everyone's memories. I don't know why, but I, um, remember everything..." She trailed off. "D-Do you, um, know how you got catapulted in time?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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