Oh My God They Were Bookmates

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The next afternoon, my notebook had moved from where I'd put it the night before.

Someone had moved it onto the floor across the room and the corner of the page was soaked in goo.

I folded my arms, looking around my living room.

"Alright," I said to myself, "it followed me home. Charming."

I picked up my notebook, wiping the goo off with a tea towel which got thrown in the sink.

I went back to the sofa with my notebook and pen and sat with my head in my hands.

"God, I can't believe I slept in till noon," I groaned, "having my SOUL out yesterday must've really drained my energy."

Rubbing my eyes, I reached for my pen and opened my notebook on a new, fresh page and wrote down the first six words that came to my mind.

Mystic. Summer. Love. France. Perfect. Unique.

The words were scrawled over the page in large curly letters typical of my handwriting. I always got complimented on my handwriting, and I always did work for university on paper with my fountain pen.

I sighed, turning to another page.

Music. Notes. Rain. Infinite. Flower. Wings.

As I wrote, I could see the faint outlines of the words underneath them. Then, the page turned by itself and the word 'AFFECTION' was scribbled down in black goo.

"Do you want to write with me?" I asked, hoping that I didn't look like a complete lunatic.

Using my phone as a mirror, I could see the strange being nodding feverishly.

I went upstairs and got a pen from my desk, as well as many pieces of paper. I put two of them on the coffee table. Then, I moved the large mirror from my spare bedroom to opposite the second piece of paper so I could see the strange being.

I watched as it struggled to pick up the pen. Not wanting to let the poor thing suffer, I used the mirror to guide me towards its hands. I gently took a hold of it and put the pen in its hand.

Somehow, I could feel the being's hand and the texture of its gooey arm. The arm was gross, but the hand felt warm and comforting.

"Have you got it?" I asked, letting go.

The being nodded. "Thank you," it signed.

"You're welcome. What do you want to write?"

"Words," it signed.

"Random words?"


"Alright, I'm good with that. May I ask what your pronouns are?"


"Thank you."

With that, the weird being and I wrote the most random words we could. Occasionally, the strange font wrote itself in my head before he signed words at me.

"What's the longest word you know?" he asked.

I put my pen down, cracking my fingers. "Probably hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, the name for the fear of long words."

"That's an impressive word."

"I know right? What about you? What's the longest word you know?"

The being thought for a moment, before signing an incredibly long word that I couldn't understand. "It's the chemical name of titin," he explained, "the largest known protein."

My jaw dropped. "Dear god, dude, how do you know that?"

"I was a scientist before I became...this," the being said, his hands moving fluently.

"Really?" I propped my chin up with my hand, genuinely interested. "What type of science did you do?"

"All sorts. Magic science, human science and so much more. I was a doctor too."

"That is so cool. I liked science in school, but my parents didn't let me go down that route in uni." I swallowed back my negative emotions, determined not to ruin the moment. "So, what would you say was the best thing you ever did in your career?" I asked.

"Probably the Sanitatem. It was a chamber infused with healing magic that could bring anyone from the brink of death." He sat up a little straighter, and I could tell that he was immensely proud of what he created.

"How long did it take you to build it? I mean, it can't've been simple, right?"

The being shook his head. "It was extremely complicated, but I managed. It only took me a few months."

"You must've been an amazing scientist to build something like that in a few months," I said. "Well done, dude."

"Thank you."

My phone buzzed, the screen lighting up. It was a message from Toriel.

'Hello, my dear, I have a favour to ask of you.'

"Sorry," I said to the being, "is it okay if I answer this?"

"Of course," he said, "please, go ahead."

Sure, Tori, what's up?

I seem to have got myself in a bit of a pickle with some Froggits and lost track of time. Would you mind picking Frisk up from school and bringing xer home?

Yeah, of course. Do you want any help with the Froggits?

No thank you, dear, I shall be quite alright.

See you in a bit =)

See you in a bit, Tori :D

"Toriel?" asked the scientist, "you know Toriel?"

"Yeah," I said, nodding. "When Monsters came to the Surface, she took me in when my parents kicked me out. Asgore payed for my house while Toriel payed for school."

"Really? I did not know that. Well, I shall let you go on your way and do whatever you have to do. Can we do this again sometime?"

"Of course we can," I agreed, "I'd love to." I extended my fist, and the being met it with his own fist. "See ya later, dude."

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