Chapter 1

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Cecil’s plea to the muses did not turn out so well.

It all started after they won the UtaPri award. The prince of Agnapolis was overwhelmed by the feeling he got; it was even greater than what he felt during the show he had done with Otoya. Upon seeing the smiles and hearing the cheers of the fans, the former cat felt exuberated and he had Starish to thank. He now knew the reason why Haruka liked them so much. Each member of the idol group shined in their own way and when together, they lighted up the room.

“I would like to know them better though.” Cecil said to himself as he rolled on this bed. Sure he played fortune teller the first time he and Starish met but right now was different. He wanted to know the group personally. Recalling the moments he had with them, the prince realized that he didn’t have the luxury of time to interact with the group especially since his homework kept piling up, courtesy of Camus. Even after the UtaPri award, his sempai continued to give him ridiculous amount of work and research to finish in an impossible time. Speaking of the sadistic Count, Cecil had never been happier to have Camus away for an interview with the rest of the Quartet Night. Of course that did not diminish the fact that he had an assignment to finish but at least the prince could move around freely. Maybe he could use his free time to hang out with the group.

“Oh muses, hear my request. I would like to experience the lives of Starish!” Cecil exclaimed before drifting off to a deep slumber.


Cecil woke up the next day feeling a bit out of place. Well, way out of place. One his room was different – a bit too plain for his princely taste – and two,

‘Why am I on a bunk bed?’ Cecil thought. Did he sleep walk last night? Impossible! He wouldn’t dare leave the comfort of his room especially now that Camus was not around!

The prince took note of his surroundings and came into a conclusion that he was in Otoya and Tokiya’s room. Across from his location was the bed of his groupmates’ sempai, Reiji, who was not around due to the interview. With a sigh, Cecil got out of bed. He probably had to apologize to the two Starish members for intruding but Otoya was fast asleep and Tokiya was nowhere to be found.

“Maybe they won’t even notice I’m here.” Cecil murmured as he silently made his way to the door. It was only during the time he went for the door knob that he realized something was definitely wrong.

Was he sick? Why was he pale? He could have sworn he was of a tan complexion. His hand reached out to touch the necklace he always wore, only to find out it wasn’t where it should be. Furthermore, his sleeping attire was different from the one he wore last night. Come to think of it, his voice had gotten deeper…

Hastily making his way out, Cecil rushed to his room. He swung open the door and looked at the mirror – and got the shock of his life.

He did not see what he was supposed to see. He screamed.

What happened to his hair? Why was his eyes dark blue? Weren’t they green yesterday?

Unknown to the panicking teen, his terrified cry woke up the person sleeping on his bed. Wait – his bed!? But he wasn’t even there!

“Oi, what’re you screaming at, early in the morning!?” the person demanded while rubbing his eyes. “Huh? Tokiya? What’re you doing in my room?”

Cecil was speechless. Why was he being called Tokiya? He was Cecil! But if he was, then why was he looking at himself?

Too much for him to take, Cecil did the only thing he could at the moment: he blacked out.

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