Chapter 18

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        I step down from my Dads now, muddy truck. My clothes soaked in the dark, thick substance as I wipe my face with the back of my arm giggling. "Never done that before have ya, Chan-tina?" I smirk at the new nickname by Dad had given Chandler. He rolls his eyes playfully, balling his sleeve up in his palm and wiping my muddy nose. Then his soft, pale lips kiss it and I giggle.

        "Does the mud taste good?" I smile, taking his hand into mine.

        "It does and I'd like to taste it again." I watch him smirk as he leans in, but is cut off by a cough from my Dad.

        "No PDA in front of me. No, I'd rather not have you PDAing in anywhere." He states and I roll my eyes, giggling softly. "I love you, we can continue this later." I wink playfully and flip my blonde braid over my shoulder.

        "Dad." I groan softly, teasing with a smirk. "You have to let us." I pout.

        "Don't test me," He smirks back, shaking his head. "Now, take my truck and get it cleaned." Dad instructs, nodding to it and tossing me the keys.

        My eyes widen and I toss them to Chandler, shaking my head vigerously, "I don't have a liscence." I state quickly, biting my lip once again.

        "Never stopped me from driving." Dad shrugs, turning around and walking inside our house.

        I then groan, because why would he make me drive? I'm only 15. I don't know how to do this. But, thankfully, Chandler spoke up, moving his dark, muddy-spotted, hair out of the way. "I'm driving. Now, let's go. We can spray each other off while we're at it." The blue eyed boy grins, pulling himself back into the large truck.

        After the wreck, we had gotten a new truck, just like the one my Mom had been hit in. Just, a slightly newer version. It was red, like the other one. The inside was black leather, like the other one. Except, this one was a 2012 model while the other one was a 2011.

        I walk around to the other side and pull myself in, chuckling softly as Chandler cranks the truck and the music we were playing earlier blasts through the speakers. After pulling my seat belt on, I move my hands to the knob and quickly turn it down with a large grin. "How about.." I open the glove-department, flipping through my Dad's CDs before finding a old 'Bullet In A Bible' album. "Green Day," I then smirk, opening it up as he pulls out of our driveway.

        Emptying the CD drive, I slide the new one in, turning the music back up to max volume as the intro to American Idiot starts playing.

        "I wanna listen to Green Day," The small childs voice is heard, making a small smirk center on my face.

        "Don't wanna be an American Idiot!" I shout the lyrics, holding onto the bar attached to the roof. "Don't want a nation under the new mania! And, can you hear the sound of hysteria? The subliminal mind fuck America!"

        Chandler was annoyed, obviously, his girlfriend was screaming the lyrics to an insulting song about America while he sat at a redlight with dozens of other cars who had there windows down just like us because of the 90 degree heat. But, I continued anyways.

        "Welcome to a new kind of tension! All across the alienation! Where everything isn't meant to be okay! Television dreams of tomorrow! We're not the ones who're meant to follow! For that's enough to argue." I take the blue eyed boys hand, holding it up through the open sky roof as I sing, "Well, maybe I'm the faggot America! I'm not a part of the redneck agenda! Now, everybody do the Propoganda! And sing along to the age of paranoia!"


        We all sat around the table in the living room, the board game 'Monopoly' laid out across the table while my Dad drunk his third 'Mexican beer'. He had let Chandler try it, being drunk as he is, and Chandler ran to the bathroom to spit it out, which my Dad happened to find hilarious. He threw his arms up in the air, laughing hystarically at the boy, "It tastes like horse piss!" He exclaimed, showing no signs of his laughter subsiding. But yet, he stopped and stared down at one of the little blocks on the board, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he asked. "How does two of us fit on that one little bitty property?" Of course he was talking about monopoly, the car and the hat both sitting on the 'Boardwalk' property which held a hotel on it. I was making tons of money off of it. Ha, losers.

        "You should just give up now," I smirked, gesturing to all of the money I had (it currently added up to $4,352) and all of the spaces I owned.

        Yet, my smart self decided to make a bet, "I'll give you $2,000 dollars for all of the yellow propertys, and I'll also take free spaces the next time I land on the red," which was the other set of propertys Chandler owned, "Deal, or no deal?"

        He took it, and then half way around the board again I was down to $852.

        To say the least, I got down and out of the game fast. Dad was going to win, obviously. It was only him and Chandler left. And then, like I had thought, Dad won.

        "Alright, kids. Time for Chandler too go home." His slurred voice said as he stood up.

        Chandler was hesitant, but nodded as he stood up after Dad, helping me pick up the board game pieces. Chandler and I had plans for him to stay the night so we could sit around on my xbox and play Minecraft, Dad apparently had different ones.

Plans I wasn't going to like.

        "I'll see you tomorrow then, Shaelee." The blue eyed boy smiled, taking my smaller hand in his and kissing the back of it quickly before walking to the door. "Love ya," He grinned before leaving the house.

        And that's when I felt a large hand hit the side of my face, a force so powerful I hit the carpeted floors. "Wha-"

        "Shut up," My Dad spat, his eyes were colder now, his features hard and you wouldnt've been able to tell he was drunk if you hadn't seen him drink so many beers.

        "I'm sick of you. It's your fault she's gone. You spoilt fucking brat." The man growls, then sends the end of his steel-toed boots into my side, making me choke on my air.

        And it kept coming.


i havent updated in a while mainly because my laptop was fucking up and i literally JUST got it fixed but now that i've figured out i can just get on wattpad in my ICT class becuase the actual teacher will be gone for 6 weeks so that makes me happy.





Just Dont.. // Chandler RiggsWhere stories live. Discover now