Sleeping Arrangements

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"They're not here! JIM, MY PARENTS ARE NOT HERE!" I would've cringed at accidentally calling him by his first name when we were definitely not on a first name basis, let alone nick-name basis, but I was too busy running around the upstairs in a flurry to try and find where they'd gone. I heard footsteps bounding up the stairs and Kirk burst into the bedroom.

"What do you mean, they're not here?"

"I mean they're not here, dumb-ass," I snapped, stepping out of the closet I had just checked. "They've gone! Disappeared!"

"Hey, no need to get snappy with me. Just calm down, and I'll help you look for them." I let out an exasperated puff of air, checking in the bathroom one more time before stepping past Kirk and heading into the guest bedroom across the hallway.

"Why don't you look downstairs for me, and maybe check the backyard and the front yard." I didn't bother to look at him while speaking, doing a once over in the bedroom then moving on to check in mine.

"I'll enlist some help. I'm sure they're safe, wherever they are." I turned around to look at him and was met with a small, reassuring smile. I couldn't help but smile back.

We looked everywhere, scaling every nook and cranny of the house and the yard, but they were nowhere to be found. I even tried calling them, but found both of their cellphones were still in the house. 

"It's like they just...vanished off the face of the Earth," I said, my voice quiet. I was sitting across from Kirk at the dining room table, sipping a cup of coffee.

"Strange..." Kirk said, deep in thought. I wasn't even sure if he had actually heard what I said.

"Jim--" I said, before catching myself. "Oh goodness, I'm so sorry, what would you prefer I call you?" Kirk's eyes snapped up.


"What would you like me to call you? Should I call you Mr. Kirk?"

"No, no." He waved his hand. "Jim is fine. 'Mr. Kirk' reminds me too much of my days teaching at the academy."

"Ok, Jim, may I ask exactly how you and your crew got here?"

"I'm not exactly sure. The ship was orbiting around a planet we had gotten a distress call from. We hadn't yet transported down when there was a severe electrical storm. When we passed through, the ship's power went out and we were all thrown down. When we finally recovered from the shock, and the ship's power came back on, we found ourselves heading straight for a large stretch of grassy land. It was too late to stop the ship by the time we realized, so we crashed, and now here we are."

"An electrical storm? A storm was what woke me up. There was thunder and lightning and suddenly there was a hole in the sky and then your ship came through. It was almost like there was a tear in the fabric of the universe itself. I could see space." Kirk hummed thoughtfully.

"Do you think maybe your parents' disappearance had to do with what brought us here?"

"That would mean they're back in your universe, wouldn't it? Oh god, please tell me the planet you were orbiting is human friendly. What if they teleported there and died instantly!?" I buried my face in my hands and whimpered. I was glad I was too tired to cry, because I did not want to start sobbing in front of Kirk.

"The planet has a breathable atmosphere and has plenty of plant and wildlife. It's a pretty peaceful planet, with a peaceful humanoid species inhabiting it. I wonder why we got a distress call from there..." I took my hands away from my face and rested my head on the table.

"I hope they're there, then. That way at least they're safe." Kirk sighed, wringing his hands together.

"Me too." The corners of his mouth twitched up in a small smile. "It's late. You should rest. I'm going back to the ship," he said, moving to get up.

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