Getting Down To Business....More Or Less

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I woke up to the comforting sounds of lively chatter coming from downstairs. From what I could make out, Bones and Kirk were in a heated discussion about something, I couldn't quite figure out what, and Spock would occasionally interject with his own anecdote or sarcastic comment. I smiled knowing Spock was back inside the house, because that meant he had probably completed the cloaking device and it was up and working successfully. I put on a t shirt and a pair of jeggings, actually putting a bit of effort into my look and taking the time to brush my hair and put on a light amount of eye-shadow, then headed downstairs

"Good morning, sunshine. How'd you sleep?" Bones said, looking up at me from his place at the dining room table. I took the seat across from him, Kirk and Spock on either side of me.

"I slept fine, thanks to your space drugs and Jim's surprisingly decent shot administrating skills." Bone's face fell as he turned to Kirk.

"Your what? You gave her a shot, Jim? You've only given yourself a shot once, and you were barely able to find the vein. What were you thinking?!"

"Hey, hey," Kirk put his hands up in defense. "You heard her. I was very gentle, I didn't miss the vein, and I even asked one of the nurses for pointers. Look at her Bones, she's totally fine! Still alive and kicking."

"Well, I'm not fine, but that has nothing to do with you." The room went silent for a moment. Damn my morbid and self deprecating sense of humor.

"What do you-" Kirk started, but I stopped him before he could finish the question.

"So, Spock, did you and Scotty finish the cloaking device?" He nodded.

"Affirmative. The cloaking device was completed and installed on the Enterprise with only a few minor setbacks that were quickly addressed and fixed. The device will work for approximately 13 days and 4.2 hours before it runs out of power and we will have to find a new method of obscuring the ship."

"That's good. Good work, Spock."

"Why, thank you, Ann." He replied, the corners of his mouth twitching up in the smallest of smiles.

"So," Kirk piped up. "What's for breakfast?" I gave him a slightly exasperated look.

"Do you boys like toast? 'Cause it's either that, or cereal if I'm cooking."

"Cereal is fine." Kirk grinned.

"What about you two?" I said, looking between Bones and Spock.

"Toast would be sufficient," Spock replied.

"I'll have cereal, thank you," added Bones. I nodded, taking two slices of bread and popping them in the toaster, then walking over to the pantry to grab the cereal.

"We have Raisin Bran, Cheerios, and Life. Which one do you want, Jim?"

"What's 'Life?'" Jim said. Guess they must not have some of the brands we have in our universe.

"I'm not exactly sure how to describe it, other than the fact that it's the sweeter option of the three."

"I'll have that, then."

"Got a sweet tooth, huh? What about you, Bones, what do you want?"

"I'll have Raisin Bran." Kirk made a gagging noise.

"Oh, come on, Raisin Bran is not that bad," I laughed as I grabbed two bowls out of the cupboard, filling them with cereal and then pouring the milk over top. I gave Kirk and Bones their cereal, then grabbed one of the pieces of toast, buttered it and put it on a plate before handing it to Spock. "There you go." Spock nodded, which I guessed was his way of saying thank you. I grabbed the other piece of toast for myself, slathered it with strawberry jam, then grabbed a cup of vanilla yogurt from the fridge and a spoon. I then set my food down on the table and took a seat.

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