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The past few days of I've just been a bit depressed. I am trying to ignore it. So I have not written in my journal. The last two days of the theater were heartbreaking. Uyu, and I decided to still present the play to the theater group. Our teacher Mrs. Rose loved the idea, and they decided to pursue this new idea if we could have a finished script by the end of the week. It was like a ray of sunshine reaching me in my dark cave of despair. Tears stung my eyes because I knew I wouldn't be able to finish the play or have any part in the theater group from now on. My favorite things were being taken away from me. I begged Uyu to finish the play without me because we started something that needed to be finished. So he decided he will email me twice a week drafts, and information about how the scrip is forming so I can still be included.

My writing club was equally difficult to say goodbye to. I had learned so much and gained so many skills in writing from the members of this club. The school paper was my pride and joy. When saying goodbye tears flowed down my cheeks steadily. I hated the looks my fellow members gave me. They felt bad for me but me leaving is supposed to be for the best. I'm going to get better by starting over. Maybe next year I can come back...

I get to keep my iPad. Most of my school notes will be put in here, and I will have consistent access to my emails from Uyu. Homeschooling starts tomorrow.

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