Blue Eyes

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Trigger warning for violence, death, mentions of blood. Proceed with caution.

"Shawn.... I'm scared ..." Camila whispers to Shawn. She's in his arms and this is the first time she doesn't feel safe. He's holding her as tight as he can knowing it isn't enough. The popping sound continue and they can hear the sound of glass shattering. The door to the classroom is closed but the glass in the door allows anyone to see inside. Everyone is out if view of the small glass frame on the door but still, it isn't enough. The bullets can easily break glass. The door can easily be shot open. They are sitting ducks in a silent classroom.

"I'm scared too...." Shawn whispers against her cheek. He wants to tell her--no he wants to promise her that he'll keep her safe but he knows it's not a promise he can keep.

The sound of glass shattering gets closer. The teacher has already called 911 and all they can do is wait to be saved or wait to be shot. Camila fears one will happen before the other.

Shawn can't tell if he's shaking or if Camila is, but he fumbles with his phone and he texts his parents and adds Camila's parents to the text.

Active shooter at school. We are together. We love you.
- S + C

He can't tell them they are safe because they aren't.

Phones start to ring and everyone rushes to silence them.

Miles away, both sets of parents receive the text. They are all together,having dinner at the Mendes household;Karen, Manuel, Aaliyah, Sinu, Gloria,Marisol,and baby Sofia.

It's every parent's worst nightmare. Karen sends Aaliyah to her room.

Manuels first instinct is to call his son but he knows if his son's phone rings and he's hiding, this can expose them. Karen is on the phone with 911 And the operator assures them that they have been made aware of the situation and doing what they can. Police have been dispatched to the school and team is being assembled.

Karen knows this information is meant to be comforting but it's not.

"Do we go? To the school?" Manuel asks his wife and his wife is at a loss. If there is an active shooter or more than one, going to the school could put themselves in the line of fire but Manuel sees no other choice. "We should at least be close to the school...." and Karen nods

Both sets of parents climb in the car and drive closer to the school. Marisol offers to stay with Sofia and Aaliyah. Aaliyah does not know what's happening and they want to keep it that way until they know more,but Aaliyah can sense something is wrong.

Karen and Sinu are in tears, Gloria is saying a thousand prayers, and both dads are trying to be strong. Manuel looks at Alejandro and his face says it all. Manuel knows his son would die protecting Camila. Alejandro knows this too and while he is grateful he is scared because he knows Camila would die if anything happened to Shawn.
Back at Hawthorne High, two shooters roam the halls. They have a list. They know who is in what room. They've been planning this for weeks. One of the shooters has cold feet hours before but the other encourages him and reminds him of why they need to do this.

They make their way down the halls. All the doors are locked but the doors are no match for their semiautomatic weapons. One shooter is angry, determined, and drunk on hate. The other is angry, resentful, and second guessing every step he takes alongside his partner.

They split up and know their time is limited.

Camila knows Shawn has sent the text but she knows it will never be enough. She is trembling and too shocked for tears to fall. She tries to think of anything to distract her from the reality of the situation but nothing comes to mind. She's in the arms of the boy she's been in love with almost her whole life and she can't help but feel like life is unfair because she doesn't want to die in his arms.

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