6- Dreams

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I know I felt like this before
But now I'm feeling it even more
Because it came from you

Miles was standing in front of me, he had the tip of his ears on fire and he played with his rings without being able to look at me, as if he was highly embarrassed. How things had changed in a matter of hours! There wasn't more the urgency to satisfy a mere carnal desire, there was the desire to give ourselves completely to the other. It was no longer a matter of sex, there was the intention of building something special and we were both almost afraid to sully that moment.

He put his arms around my waist, pulling me gently against him and kissed me on the head.

-What's happening Miles, did ya forget how to do it?

-I wished for it that much, that I'm almost afraid to make it.

-So ya aren't that bad.

-Not a little.

We kissed and we touched lightly everywhere with trembling hands, soon the caresses became ardent: he covered with eager fingers across my skin, from my neck to my chest and then he unbuttoned my shirt. His tongue began to make circular movements around my nipples, the pleasure was so intense, that I almost planted my nails on his shoulders. My clothes fell to the ground, I delivered it in a hurry and did the same with my underwear: the heat of his body and his movements had excited me, I wanted him, I wanted to feel him inside me.

Miles began to rummage in his pants looking for his wallet, he opened it, and with an air of disappointment, he told me:

-I only have one condom.

-We will find other things to do- my answer snatched him a mischievous smile.

Someone from the neighbouring houses was listening to Ed Sheeran, always the same song, constantly and loudly, with the windows open it felt fine.

-"Kiss me" is the perfect song to make love to, the beat of the kick drum perfectly accompanies the trusts- Miles told me.

-Ya are musician to the bone- I replied amused, as he finished undressing and I stretched on the bed.

We looked at our naked bodies with desire, watching in silence every inch of the skin of the other, we broke the silence in a noisy embrace, our caressing hands were eager to discover and soon we fell in a whirlwind of feelings, tastes and smells.

-I'm going crazy- I whispered as he touched my buttocks, gently separating them.

-Are you ok with this?- he asked.

-Sure, just, take care, it's been a year since the last time I had sex.

He kissed me again, teasing my hole with his fingers and when he penetrated me, it was fantastic, so I tore a long groan.

He began to move, initially with caution for fear of hurting me, I felt that he was making his way into me slowly, then, as soon as he realized that I was really at ease and that there wouldn't be any problems, he increased the pace considerably.

He was shaking with excitement and pleasure, while I didn't stop moaning, sighing and giving him small bites in the arm. I began to move my hips frantically and I could clearly feel the effort he made to not come right away.

-I can't resist anymore- he confessed.

-Me neither.

We suffocated our cries, while our writhing bodies arched and finally enjoyed each other: I never even suspected that there might be such a level of pleasure.

As soon as I stopped shaking, Miles fell on me: I felt his sweaty chest against my back, his breath was hot and agitated.

We changed position, then I approached my lips to his and we merged in a long kiss, then we looked at each other for a moment that seemed an eternity, he stroked my face and opened his mouth as if to tell me something, but he just kissed me again. He continued to cuddle and caress me as long as our bodies claimed attention again.

-I hope that your grandmother is deaf- he told me, before starting to slowly introduce a finger where I hoped he'd put it- because you make a lot of noise.

- Ya too- I said, unable to continue because I was tortured by the slowness with which he was slipping a second finger.

He smiled, then, when I least expected it, he began to move them more quickly; I couldn't stay still, I moved sprawled and groaned, Miles was convinced that I would have climaxed that way, so he was puzzled, when I asked him to stop.

I wasn't an uninhibited guy, those who like to have sex, in fact, I think I blushed while I asked him to do a sixty-nine.

It was really hard to concentrate to give him pleasure, while he was making me touch the sky: I could feel his hot breath against my legs and soon after, his lips that were kissing the inside of my thighs, getting closer and closer, until he wrapped his lips around my intimacy, moving his mouth with a perfect cadence. I felt a very intense orgasm, then I made sure that he had his explosion of pleasure as well.

We tried to sleep, Miles was hugging me from behind; we rested a couple of hours, and then his desire to make love again woke me up: the hard Kanetor against my back wasn't leaving any room for any doubt.

I turned on his side, smiling and I went a few inches from his face, I kissed his still sleepy, but already animated by a mischievous spark, eyes, and then the nose, at the end I finally reached the mouth and began to nibble his lower lip, slightly meatier than the upper one. I pulled back a little to admire him better and he made me think about a phrase I had read in "Diary of Swallow" by Amélie Nothomb: "some beauties strike you and others are hieroglyphics: it takes time to decipher their splendour but , when it is clear, is more beautiful than beauty itself "and the splendour of Miles was the most beautiful I had ever had the fortune to see in my life.

-If I'm still dreaming, don't wake me up- I told him.

-It's everything wonderfully true.

He put his hands on my shoulders and began to stroke me slowly, while I kissed him again gently: we were immersed in a limbo of desire and love, we weren't hurry and we let our kinky games guide us; we covered our figures from top to bottom with hands and tongues. It was a game of two made even more enjoyable by the breeze coming through the open window that gave relief to our hot and sweaty bodies.

I climbed on him and let myself go completely as it had never happened before; he began to delve into myself slowly, as if to enjoy every inch of his body that was part of mine. We changed position again; I could feel the beads of sweat falling on the top of my chest. I clung to his broad shoulders and asked, between moans and sighs, to bear me. He smiled, he put his mouth close to my ear and whispered that I was his, only his. And in the end it was again the Paradise for both.

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