7- So cold in Ireland

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We used to have a life,
But now it's all gone

The next morning, my stomach was rumbling wake. I had no idea what time it was, or for how long we had been asleep. We had fun all night, finding a thousand different ways to give us pleasure, although it remained the regret that we had one complete intercourse only: making love to Miles was one of the most formidable experiences of my life.

I looked around: there were our clothes everywhere and the bed was a disaster, with my grandmother's perfectly immaculate linen sheets, full of spots, soaked with sweat and wrapped around our bodies. Miles was beautiful, with the sunlight that illuminated his bare arms; I couldn't resist the temptation to stroke his face.

-Good Morning Alex!- he said, stretching and looking at me with languid and sleepy eyes.

-Good Morning Miles- I said, kissing him on the forehead.

-When I'm on tour, my favourite thing is to wake up always in a different place, but I'd much rather prefer waking up next to the same person.

-Although sweaty, with rumbling stomach and smelly breath?

-Especially for that. We didn't come to the world to be perfect, just as wonderfully human, and what you find disgusting or embarrassing, it is perfectly normal.

-You are not normal, you are special in a way that I can't even explain!

He kissed me tenderly on the lips, then asked:

-What are you thinking about?

-What me grandmother will say, when she sees how we reduced her starched sheets.

Miles laughed, but he stopped immediately.

-Don't make me laugh or I'll pee myself: for how long were we being locked in here?

-Since yesterday morning and... the bathroom is mine!- I said, trying to prevent him from getting dressed and going there before me, but having a leg up on him was a lost battle, so I had to go downstairs in the guest bathroom.

When I came out, I found myself face to face with my enraged brother.

-Ya stole me guitarist! And I bet that ya will have tuckered him out so much, that now he won't be able to hold his pick. I remind ya that the recording is tomorrow.

-I'm ok- Miles calmed him, running down the staircase- give me time for a shower and I'll be ready for the rehearsal room.

-Why don't ya take it together with Alex? This will save ya time- my grandmother proposed, while putting breakfast on the table.

-So it gets night!- protested my brother, while Miles seemed shocked by the words of that who looked like an innocent old lady.

-Oh she always talks like that- I assured him.

-Why should I be scandalized? Making love is so beautiful!- said my grandmother, handing him a cup of zabaione- eat this, ya need energy according to what I heard before turning off the hearing aid.

-What a shame!- Miles exclaimed.

-Why are ya ashamed, young fella? To make me nephew smile?

Once home, they all went in the basement and didn't even come out for lunch; my mother brought them something to eat and I spent the morning trying to study, without doing anything.

I ate with my mother in the patio: it wasn't too hot and the rain seemed to have no intention of ruining the perfect weather.

-What a fantastic day!- I exclaimed.

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